한국의 역사와 문화, 생활습관, 정치와 경제 등 전 분야에 걸쳐 한국을 소개하는 영문 도서이다. 저자 김중순은 2007년 영문으로 저술한 <Kimchi and IT> 라는 한국소개서가 아랍어와 베트남어 등 다른 언어로도 번역 출간되었다.
Preface and Acknowledgment
1. The Korean Ethos 2. Ethnic Origins of Koreans 3. Foreign Invasions and Korean Endurance 4. A Long Road Toward Democracy 5. Marriage, Family and Kinship 6. Urbanization and a Balanced National Development Plan 7. Religions and Beliefs of Koreans 8. The Yangban Legacy and Education for Upward Mobility 9. Korea's Economic Miracle: From Foreign Aid Recipient to Donor 10. Cultural paradox
References Cited List of Abbreviations Index
(The) new Koreans : the business, history and people of South Korea2017 / Michael Breen / Rider Books
Nothing to Envy : Ordinary lives in North Korea2010 / by Barbara Demick / Spiegel & Grau
Notes on Things Korean : Revised Edition2012 / by Suzanne Crowder Han / Hollym
(The)birth of Korean cool : how one nation is conquering the world through pop culture2014 / Euny Hong / Picador
Ask a Korean dude2012 / written and compiled by Kim Hyung-geun / Seoul Selection
Busy Koreans : essays on contemporary culture and society of South Korea in East Asian context2014 / by Hyewon Kang Kim / Korea University Press
Two lenses on the Korean ethos : key cultural concepts and their appearance in cinema2015 / Keumsil Kim Yoon and Bruce Williams / McFarland & Company
Way back into Korea : a new insight by a native anthropologist come home2014 / Choong Soon Kim / ill.
(Guide to) Korean culture2010 / by Korean Culture and Information Service / Hollym
Pop city : Korean popular culture and the selling of place2018 / Youjeong Oh / Cornell University Press
(The)motives of self-sacrifice in Korean American culture, family, and marriage : from filial piety to familial integrity2013 / Chul Woo Son / Wipf & Stock
Land of morning calm : Korean culture then and now2014 / by John Stickler ; illustrated by Soma Han / Shen's Books
Tai magic : arts of the supernatural in the Shan states and Lan Na2014 / Susan Conway / River Books
One nation : what we can all do to save America's future2014 / Ben Carson, Candy Carson / Sentinel
Is the American century over?2015 / by Joseph S. Nye / Polity Press
같이 빌린 책
(Guide to)Korean Culture2014 / by: Korean Culture and Information Service / Hollym
Drunk tank pink : and other unexpected forces that shape how we think, feel, and behave2014 / Adam Alter / Penguin Books
같은 주제의 책
한국, 한국인2018 / 지음: 마이클 브린, 옮김: 장영재 / 실레북스
중국, 엄청나게 가깝지만 놀라울 만큼 낯선 : 의외로 낯선 중국 문화와 사유의 인문학2016 / 스위즈 지음 ; 박지민 옮김 / 애플북스
러시아의 이해 : 한국인이 알아야 할 러시아에 관한 모든 것2015 / 지음: 정명자, 심성보, 김영란, 전병국, 고영랑 / 우물이있는집
혼신의 힘 : 일본을 뒤흔든 16인의 풍운아2014 / 최석영 지음 / 인물과사상사
역사의 역습2018 / 지음: 김용운 / 맥스미디어
판다와 샤오미 : 여성특파원의 섬세한 손 끝으로 쓴 중국노트2018 / 지음: 박은경 / 경향신문사
지극히 사적인 프랑스: 프랑스인 눈으로 '요즘 프랑스' 읽기2019 / 지음: 오헬리엉 루베르, 윤여진 / 틈새책방
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