
  • Big picture book outdoors
  • Big picture book outdoors

    발행연도 - 2017 / Minna Lacey ; illustrated by Rachel Stubbs, John Russell ; designed by Lucy Wain / Usborne Publishing Ltd.
    • 도서관 청라국제도서관
    • 자료실 [청라국제]다국어코너
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 CW0000004948
    • ISBN 9781409598732
    • 형태 [32] p. 30 cm
    • 한국십진분류 자연과학 > 생명과학 > 생물학
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력
My encyclopedia of very important dinosaurs My encyclopedia of very important dinosaurs 2018 / edited by Sally Beets, Helene Hilton, Violet Peto. / DK
Armored dinosaurs  : stegosaurs and ankylosaurs Armored dinosaurs : stegosaurs and ankylosaurs 2019 / Clare Hibbert. / Enslow Publishing
Beaked battlers  : ornithopods Beaked battlers : ornithopods 2019 / Clare Hibbert. / Enslow Publishing
Raptor : the life of a young deinonychus Raptor : the life of a young deinonychus 2007 / by Michel Henry ; illustrations by Rich Penney / Abrams Books for Young Readers
I'm trying to love rocks I'm trying to love rocks 2020 / words & pictures by Bethany Barton / Viking
Rocks Rocks 2019 / [by] Carol Lawrence; pictures by Amy Zhing / Albert Whitman & Company
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Big picture book outdoors Big picture book outdoors 2017 / Minna Lacey ; illustrated by Rachel Stubbs, John Russell ; designed by Lucy Wain / Usborne Publishing Ltd.
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Beastly biomes Beastly biomes 2019 / by Carly Allen-Fletcher / Creston Books, LLC
How the Borks became How the Borks became 2018 / words by Jonathan Emmett ; pictures by Elys Dolan / Otter-Barry Books
Shipwreck reefs Shipwreck reefs 2021 / [by] Aimée M. Bissonette; illustrated by Adèle Leyris / Albert Whitman & Company
Whale fall : exploring an ocean-floor ecosystem Whale fall : exploring an ocean-floor ecosystem 2023 / written by Melissa Stewart ; illustrated by Rob Dunlavey / Random House Studio
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Seagrass dreams: a counting book Seagrass dreams: a counting book 2017 / [by] Kathleen M. Hanes, illustrations by Chloe Bonfield / Seagrass Press
Mission victory Mission victory 2014 / by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
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(The)brainiac's book of the climate and weather (The)brainiac's book of the climate and weather 2022 / by Rosie Cooper; illustrated by Harriet Russell / Thames & Hudson
(The)stray dog (The)stray dog 2001 / retold and illustrated by Marc Simont ; from a true story by Reiko Sassa / JYbooks
Ice cream : the full scoop Ice cream : the full scoop 2006 / by Gail Gibbons / Holiday House
(The) clever little duck (The) clever little duck 2003 / by Jackie Andrews ; illustrated by Maureen Bradley / Award
In focus In focus 2016 / created by Libby Walden / 360 Degrees
Lucky Lucky 2015 / David Mackintosh / HarperCollins Children's Books
Everything goes on land Everything goes on land 2011 / by Brian Biggs. / Balzer + Bray
Joseph had a little overcoat Joseph had a little overcoat 2021 / [by] Simms Taback / Puffin Books
What a mess! What a mess! 2011 / by Roderick Hunt ; Illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University press
Making faces Making faces 2011 / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
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우리 집에 직박구리가 왔어요 우리 집에 직박구리가 왔어요 2011 / 글: 김미혜 ; 그림: 이광익 / 길벗어린이
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생명이란 무엇인가 생명이란 무엇인가 2021 / 지음: 폴 너스; 옮김: 이한음 / 까치
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빨간 모자를 쓴 딱따구리야 빨간 모자를 쓴 딱따구리야 2018 / 지음: 김성호 ; 그림: 이지현 / 비룡소
날쌘 담비야 날쌘 담비야 2020 / 글: 최태영 ; 그림: 심재원 / 비룡소
아주 특별한 생물학 수업 : 생물학자 장수철 교수가 국어학자 이재성 교수에게 1:1 생물학 과외를 하다 아주 특별한 생물학 수업 : 생물학자 장수철 교수가 국어학자 이재성 교수에게 1:1 생물학 과외를 하다 2015 / 지음: 장수철, 이재성 / Humanist(휴머니스트 출판그룹)
천년도서관 숲 : 숲박사가 전하는 자연과 인간 그리고 생명 이야기 천년도서관 숲 : 숲박사가 전하는 자연과 인간 그리고 생명 이야기 2015 / 지음: 김외정 / 메디치미디어
생명과 손잡기 생명과 손잡기 2022 / 지음: 마틸드 파리 ; 그림: 마리옹 티그레아 ; 옮김: 정주연 / 주니어RHK :
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