PART Ⅰ. THE PAST AND FUTURE IN THE PRESENT Understanding Seoul: The Past and the Future in the Present / HAN Kyung-Koo and PARK Kyung Rip
PART Ⅱ. POLITICS OF LANDSCAPE Urban Renovation Project of Seoul, 1896-1904: Adoption of the Western Modern City Plan / YI Tae-Jin Ruptures and Conflicts in the Colonial Power Bloc: The Great Keijo Plan of the 1920s / KIM Baek Yung Naturalizing Landscapes and the Politics of Hybridity: Gwanghwamun to Cheonggyecheon / RYU Jeh-hong
PART Ⅲ. CONTENDING IDENTITIES Streets and Open Spaces in Seoul (1995-2010): A Cultural and Geographical View of Local Neighborhoods / Valérie GELÉZEAU The Landscape of Club Culture and Identity Politics: Focusing on the Club Culture in the Hongdae Area of Seoul / LEE Mu-Yong Stigma, Lifestyle, and Self in Later Life: The Meaning and Paradox of Older Men's Hang-Out Culture at Jongmyo Park in Seoul / CHUNG Gene-Woong Consuming Spaces in the Global Era: Distinctions between Consumer Spaces in Seoul / LEE Dong Yeun
PART Ⅳ. GLOBAL SPACES, HISTORIC TIMES Itaewon as an Alien Space within the Nation-State and a Place in the Globalization Era / KIM Eun-Shil
뉴요커 Summer의 리얼 라이프 영어 : + plus 미국 생활 꿀팁2019 / 써머 팍, 안드레아 최 지음 / 다락원
황금 패턴 영어 = Golden pattern English2014 / 퍼스트 리더 어학 연구소 지음 / 퍼스트리더