‘한국 알리기 프로젝트’의 두번째 결과물로, 특히 외교통상부 산하의 한국국제교류재단과 공동제작하여 각국 대사관과 문화원 그리고 각국 주요 대학 도서관에 소개될 예정으로 한국을 알리는 대표 도서로 자리매김하기를 기대한다.
1 Introductión ¿Qué tipo de país es Corea?
2 Tres vecinos muy distiontos Corea, China y Japón
3 ¿Quiénes son Ios Coreanos? La verdadera imagen que hasta ahora no conocíamos
4 Éxitos y Ias tribulaciones de Ios coreanos La política, la economía y la ideología coreana de un vistazo
5 Nuestro deseo es la renificación Sin embargo, nos espera un largo y arduo camino
(The)New Koreans : the story of a nation2017 / by Michael Breen / Thomas Dunne Books
(An)intellectual history of seonbi in Korea : Korean cultural DNA2014 / Han Young-woo ; translated by Cho Yoon-jung / 지식산업사
(A)history of Korean-Japanese interaction : from prehistory to modern times2014 / edited by History textbook research association ; History education research association / Northeast asian hitory foundation
Dear Leader : my escape from North Korea2015 / Jang Jin-sung ; translated by Shirley Lee / 37 INK/Atria
Sketches of Korea : An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture2015 / written by Benjamin Joinou ; illustrated by Elodie Dornand de Rouville / Seoul Selection
Ask a Korean dud2012 / written and compiled by Kim Hyung-geun / Seoul Selection
Korean History : A Beginner's Guide2014 / by Kim Tae-gyu / Adbooks
먼나라 이웃나라 한국 : 에스파냐어판 = Pais lejano, Pais Vecino Corea2014 / 이원복 글·그림 ; 페드로 폼보 노보 번역 / 김영사
(The)Korean mind : understanding contemporary Korean culture2012 / Boye Lafayette De Mente / Tuttle Pub.
(The) two Koreas : (A) contemporary history2014 / by Don Oberdorfer, Robert Carlin / Basic Books
(La)Coree2013 / Won-Bok Rhie ; traduit du coréen par Chung-Eun Lee et Najat Sifer / Kim Yeong Sa
North Korea undercover : inside the world's most secret state2015 / John Sweeney. / Pegasus Books
Korea : the impossible country2012 / by Daniel Tudor / Tuttle
North Korea confidential : private markets, fashion trends, prison camps, dissenters and defectors2015 / Daniel Tudor ; James Pearson / Tuttle Publishing
Joseon's Royal Heritage : 500 Years of Splendor2011 / by Seoul Selection / Seoul Selection
Please Look After Mom = 엄마를 부탁해2012 / by Shin Kyung-sook / Vintage
Guns, germs, and steel : the fates of human societies1999 / by Jared Diamond / W. W. Norton & Company
(The)man who mistook his wife for a hat2015 / Oliver Sacks ; with an introduction by Will Self. / Picador Classic
이야기 한국역사. 1-131999 / 이야기 한국역사 편집위원회 지음 / 풀빛
놀이와 풍속의 사회사2004 / 이이화 지음 / 한길사
(하룻밤에 읽는) 한국사2014 / 지음: 최용범 / 페이퍼로드
근대제국과 만난 인천 : 충돌과 변화2013 / 인하대학교 한국학연구소 편 / 글로벌콘텐츠