
전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

Chapter 1 Gyeongbokgung: The First Palace
Foundation of the Joseon Dynasty
Significance of Gyeongbokgung
Trials of Gyeongbokgung
Enduring Symbol of Joseon

Chapter 2 A Tour of Gyeongbokgung
The Outer Palace
The Inner Palace and the Rear Gardens

Chapter 3 The Other Four Palaces

Chapter 4 Royal Tombs: enduring Splendor of Joseon
Ideal Setting
Layout of Royal Tombs
Daehan Empire Tombs

Chapter 5 Royal Funeral Processions
National Undertaking
Selection of a Tomb Site and Burial Practices
Grand Funeral Procession
Political Transition

Chapter 6 Representative Joseon Tombs
Donggureung Tomb Complex

Chapter 7 Joseon Wangjo Sillok: Masterpiece of History
History of Annals
UNESCO's Memory of the World Register
Why Were the Annals Compiled?
Compilation Procedures

Chapter 8 Preservation Efforts
Mountain Archives
Regular Maintenance

Chapter 9 Digital Era Brings Annals to Life
Digital Age Revival
Blurring of Fact and Fiction
User-Friendly Annals

History of the Joseon Dynasty
Other Information

Delving Deeper
Taejo, the First king of Joseon
Feng Shui
The Japanese Government General Building
Tragedy of Empress Myeongseong
The Strife of the princes
king Gojong and the Daehan Empire
Korean Royal Tomb Culture
Variety of Royal Tombs
Preserving Royal Bodies
The Uigwe, Another UNESCO Memory of the World
Yeonsan-gum and the Literati Purges
Reclaiming the Annals
The Annals as Cinematic Inspiration
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Korea : the impossible country Korea : the impossible country 2012 / by Daniel Tudor / Tuttle
North Korea confidential : private markets, fashion trends, prison camps, dissenters and defectors North Korea confidential : private markets, fashion trends, prison camps, dissenters and defectors 2015 / Daniel Tudor ; James Pearson / Tuttle Publishing
Joseon's royal heritage : 500 years of splendor Joseon's royal heritage : 500 years of splendor 2011 / Korea Foundation / Seoul Selection
(The) Proletarian Wave : Literature and Leftist Culture in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945 (The) Proletarian Wave : Literature and Leftist Culture in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945 2015 / by Sunyoung Park / Harvard Univ Council on East Asian
Korea : the ground war from both sides Korea : the ground war from both sides 2013 / Philip Chinnery ; rare photographs from Wartime Archives / Pen & Sword
Cold War crucible : the Korean conflict and the postwar world Cold War crucible : the Korean conflict and the postwar world 2014 / Masuda Hajimu / Harvard University Press
Brothers at war  : the unending conflict in Korea Brothers at war : the unending conflict in Korea 2014 / Sheila Miyoshi Jager / W.W. Norton
K-9 Korea : the untold story of America's war dogs in the Korean War K-9 Korea : the untold story of America's war dogs in the Korean War 2017 / J. Rachel Reed / Regnery Publishing
American Sniper : The Autobiography of Seal Chief Chris Kyle (Usn, 1999-2009), the Most Lethal Sniper in U.s. Military History American Sniper : The Autobiography of Seal Chief Chris Kyle (Usn, 1999-2009), the Most Lethal Sniper in U.s. Military History 2013 / by Chris Kyle / Harper
(The) Park Chung Hee Era : The Transformation of South Korea (The) Park Chung Hee Era : The Transformation of South Korea 2013 / Edited by Byung-Kook Kim ; Ezra F. Vogel / Harvard University Press
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