Momo1984 / Michael Ende ; translated by J. Maxwell Brownjohn / Penguin
(The)day the sun did not rise and shine2015 / by: Mirjam Enzerink, Peter-Paul Rauwerda / Lemniscaat USA
Pitschi2014 / by: Hans Fischer / North South
Sailing to America 2018 / Robert Gernhardt ; illustrated by Philip Waechter ; translated by David-Henry Wilson / Starfish Bay Children's Books
(The)brothers Grimm : the complete fairy tales2007 / [by] Jacob Grimm ; Wilhelm Grimm ; Illustrations by Arthur Rackham / Wordsworth Editions
(The)golden goose1999 / by Jacob Grimm ; Wilhelm Grimm ; illustrated by Dorothee Duntze ; adapted by Anthea Bell / North-South Books
Little red-cap1995 / [by] The Brothers Grimm ; illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger ; translated from the German by Elizabeth D. Crawford / North-South Books
Rescue at sea!1999 / by Wolfram Hanel ; illustrated by Ulrike Heyne ; Translated by Rosemary Lanning / North-South Books
Hansel & Gretel2015 / by Holly Hobbie, Douglas Hobbie. / Little, Brown
(A)gift fot the christ child2004 / [by] Tina Jahnert ; Illustrated by Alessandra Roberti ; Translated by Sibylle Kazeroid / Notrh-south books
Bambert's book of missing stories2002 / by Reinhardt Jung ; Translated by Anthea Bell ; Illustrated by Peter Allen / Egmont
Who is afraid of little wolf?2019 / by Yayo Kawamura / Prestel
You can do it, Bert!2014 / by: Ole Konnecke ; translated by: Catherine Chidgey / Gecko Press
(The)flower ball2005 / by Sigrid Laude ; illustrated by Silke Leffler ; English text by Philip Boehm / Pumpkin house
Silly horse2005 / by Vadim Levin ; illustrated by Evgeny Antonenkov ; translated by Tancy Wolfson ; Tatiana Zunshine / Pumpkin House
같이 빌린 책
Who was Queen Elizabeth?2008 / by June Eding ; illustrated by Nancy Harrison / Grosset & Dunlap
Charlotte's web1980 / by E. B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams / Harper & Row
(Who was)Sacagawea?2002 / by Judith Bloom Fradin ; Dennis B. Fradin ; illustrated by Val Paul Taylor / Grosset & Dunlap
Little red-cap1995 / [by] The Brothers Grimm ; illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger ; translated from the German by Elizabeth D. Crawford / North-South Books
(The)grateful Fred2006 / Greg Trine ; illustrated by Rhode Montijo / Henry Holt
같은 주제의 책
모나리자 바이러스2016 / 티보어 로데 지은이, 박여명 옮긴이 / 북펌
명상 살인. 1, 죽여야 사는 변호사 2021 / 지음: 카르스텐 두세 ; 옮김: 박제헌 / 세계사(세계사컨텐츠그룹)
슈퍼 토끼의 결심 2022 / 지음: 프란치스카 비어만 ; 옮김: 송순섭 / 주니어김영사
모모2010 / 미하엘 엔데 지음 ; 한미희 옮김 / 비룡소
(밥 넬리 교수의 작은 원숭이) 쇼티2014 / 안드레아 헨스겐 글 ; 안톄 헤어초크 그림 ; 고우리 옮김 / 어린이작가정신
데미안: [녹음자료] 헤르만 헤세 장편소설 2022 / 원작: 헤르만 헤세 ; 옮김: 김인순 / 오디언소리 [공급]
책 먹는 여우의 여름 이야기 2022 / 글·그림: 프란치스카 비어만; 옮김: 송순섭 / 주니어김영사