
  • (The) three musketeers
  • (The) three musketeers

    발행연도 - 2009 / novel by Alexander Dumas; adapted by Rebecca Levene; illustrated by Victor Tavares / Usborne
    • 도서관 청라국제도서관
    • 자료실 [청라국제]다국어코너
    • 부록 부록있음
    • 등록번호 CW0000008772
    • ISBN 9781409500728
    • 형태 62 p. 20 cm
    • 한국십진분류 언어 > 영어 > 독본, 해석, 회화
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력
Pride and prejudice Pride and prejudice 2011 / novel by Jane Austen; adapted by Susanna Davidson; illustrated by Simona Bursi / Usborne
Stories of vampires Stories of vampires 2010 / [by] Louie Stowell; illustrated by Gabo Bernstein / Usborne
(The) 39 steps (The) 39 steps 2010 / novel by John Buchan; adapted by Russell Punter; illustrated by Matteo Pincelli / Usborne
(The) count of Monte Cristo (The) count of Monte Cristo 2010 / [by] Alexandre Dumas; adapted by Rob Lloyd Jones; illustrated by Victor Tavares / Usborne
(The) odyssey (The) odyssey 2011 / epic tale by Homer; retold by Louie Stowell; illustrated by Matteo Pincelli / Usborne
(The) prisoner of Zenda (The) prisoner of Zenda 2009 / [by] Anthony Hope; retold by Sarah Courtauld; illustrated by Simona Bursi / Usborne
(The) strange case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (The) strange case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 2010 / story by Robert Louis Stevenson; adapted by Rob Lloyd Jones; illustrated by Victor Tavares / Usborne
(The) three musketeers (The) three musketeers 2009 / novel by Alexander Dumas; adapted by Rebecca Levene; illustrated by Victor Tavares / Usborne
Wuthering heights Wuthering heights 2010 / by Emily Bronte; adapted by Mary Sebag-Montefiore; illustrated by Alan Marks / Usborne
Animals at war Animals at war 2007 / [by] Isabel George, Rob Lloyd Jones; designed by Karen Tomlins, Leonard Le Rolland / Usborne
Crusaders Crusaders 2007 / [by] Rob Lloyd Jones; illustrated by Emmanuel Cerisier / Usborne
Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus 2004 / [by] Minna Lacey; illustrated by David Cuzik / Usborne
Gladiators Gladiators 2006 / [by] Minna Lacey, Susanna Davidson; illustrated by Emmanuel Cerisier / Usborne
(The) holocaust (The) holocaust 2008 / [by] Susanna Davidson; designed by Karen Tomlins / Usborne
Pompeii Pompeii 2006 / [by] Karen Ball; illustrated by Emmanuel Cerisier / Usborne
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(The) good luck stone (The) good luck stone 2013 / written by Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Nick Schon / Oxford University
Go away, dog Go away, dog 1991 / by: Joan L. Nodset; pictures by: Paul Meisel / HarperCollins
Bull's-eye! Bull's-eye! 2011 / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
Florennce Nightingale Florennce Nightingale 2004 / by Lucy Lethbridge, illusrated by Karen Donnelly / Usborne
Oliver twist Oliver twist 2004 / by Charles Dickens, illustrated Barry Ablett / Usborne
(The) prisoner of Zenda (The) prisoner of Zenda 2009 / [by] Anthony Hope; retold by Sarah Courtauld; illustrated by Simona Bursi / Usborne
(The)stange case of DR. Jekyll and MR. Hyde (The)stange case of DR. Jekyll and MR. Hyde 2008 / by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated Victor Tavares / Usborne
Wuthering heights Wuthering heights 2010 / by Emily Bronte; adapted by Mary Sebag-Montefiore; illustrated by Alan Marks / Usborne
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Jane eyre Jane eyre 2008 / by Mary Shelley, illustrated Victor Tavares / Usborne
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