
  • Collins school dictionary
  • Collins school dictionary

    발행연도 - 2022 / Collins / Collins
    • 도서관 송도국제도서관
    • 자료실 송도국제기구도서관
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 SL0000021835
    • ISBN 9780008524036
    • 형태 vi, 697, 32 p. 16 cm
    • 한국십진분류 언어 > 영어 > 사전
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력
송도국제기구도서관 대출가능 송WG 743-C712c SL0000021835 예약불가 신청하기 신청하기 위치출력 아이콘
The perfect gift for primary school leavers! This gift edition of the English school dictionary is the perfect language companion for all students aged 11+. It's attractive faux leather binding and slipcase makes it an ideal present for year 6 leavers to take with them on their school journey and for other special occasions.
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Made in America : an informal history of American English Made in America : an informal history of American English 2016 / Bill Bryson / Black Swan
(The)Sounds of language : an introduction to phonetics and phonology (The)Sounds of language : an introduction to phonetics and phonology 2013 / Elizabeth C. Zsiga / Wiley-Blackwell
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(The)hidden history of coined words (The)hidden history of coined words 2021 / Ralph Keyes / Oxford University Press
American idioms dictionary: over 1300 idioms and expressions American idioms dictionary: over 1300 idioms and expressions 2022 / Gertrudis Antonetty / Independently Published
(The) devil's dictionary (The) devil's dictionary 2021 / Ambrose Bierce / Mint Editions
Collins school dictionary Collins school dictionary 2022 / Collins / Collins
English Albanian dictionary: English-Albanian / Albanian-English English Albanian dictionary: English-Albanian / Albanian-English 2022 / Amadou Croff / Polyglot Books:
(The) devil's dictionary (The) devil's dictionary 2021 / Ambrose Bierce / Mint Editions
Korean Phrase Book for Travelers Korean Phrase Book for Travelers 2012 / by Kim Jung-sup ; Cho Hyun-yong ; Lee Jung-hee / Hollym
Metaphors of English body-part words and collocations Metaphors of English body-part words and collocations 2021 / Daniel Aberra / [s.n.]
Barron's 1100 words you need to know Barron's 1100 words you need to know 2018 / Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon / Barron's Educational Series
30 days to a more powerful vocabulary 30 days to a more powerful vocabulary 2022 / Wilfred Funk, Norman Lewis / Pocket Books
(The) slang dictionary: etymological, historical, and anecdotal (The) slang dictionary: etymological, historical, and anecdotal 2021 / John Camden Hotten / Bamboo Books
Big picture thesaurus Big picture thesaurus 2017 / written by Rosie Hore ; illustrated by Rachael Saunders ; designed by Emily Barden / Usborne
(엣센스)영한사전= Minjung's essence English-Korean dictionary (엣센스)영한사전= Minjung's essence English-Korean dictionary 2020 / 편저: 민중서림 편집국 / 민중서림
능률·롱맨 영한사전 = Neungyule longman English-Korean dictionary 능률·롱맨 영한사전 = Neungyule longman English-Korean dictionary 2013 / 편: 능률교육 / Pearson Longman
동아영어입문사전 동아영어입문사전 2009 / 두산동아 사서편집국 엮음 / 두산동아
영영한 입문 사전 영영한 입문 사전 2006 / 교학사사서부 [엮음] / 교학사
1분 영어사전. 1-4 1분 영어사전. 1-4 2005 / 스티브 정 지음 / 김영사
(동아)프라임 영한사전= Dong-A's prime English-Korean dictionary (동아)프라임 영한사전= Dong-A's prime English-Korean dictionary 2018 / 엮음: 동아출판 / 동아출판
(이진영의)통역번역 기초사전 = Korean-English terminology for beginners (이진영의)통역번역 기초사전 = Korean-English terminology for beginners 2020 / 엮음: 이진영 / 이화여자대학교출판문화원
OXFORD Advanced Learner's Dictionary OXFORD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 2002 / A S Hornby 저 / Oxford
Macmillan English dictionary for advanced learners Macmillan English dictionary for advanced learners 2007 / / Macmillan Education
(Prime Dong-A's)영영한사전 (Prime Dong-A's)영영한사전 2005 / Philip M. Rideout 원저 ; 서울대학교 영어영문학과...[등]옮김 / 두산동아
(롱맨) 현대 영영사전 (롱맨) 현대 영영사전 2009 / 피어슨 롱맨 편 / 두산동아
(롱맨)영영한사전 (롱맨)영영한사전 2005 / 금성출판사편집부 [편] / 금성출판사
현대한영사전 현대한영사전 2003 / 영어사전편찬연구회 편 / 교학사
The Random house dictionary of the English Language The Random house dictionary of the English Language 2002 / / ybm 시사영어사

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