
  • 이미지없음
  • Bridge

    발행연도 - 2022 / by: Vicky Franchino; illustrated by: Rich Watson / Children's Press
    • 도서관 미추홀도서관
    • 자료실 [미추홀]어울림터
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 WM0000028106
    • ISBN 9781338800128
    • 형태 32 p. 21 cm
    • 한국십진분류 기술과학 > 공학, 공업일반, 토목공학, 환경공학 > 교량공학
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력
Puggle  : pugs meet beagles! Puggle : pugs meet beagles! 2019 / by Sue Bradford Edwards / Edge Books
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Kitten Lady's big book of little kittens Kitten Lady's big book of little kittens 2019 / by Hannah Shaw / Aladdin
Eggs from fed Hen Farm : farm to table with mazes and maps Eggs from fed Hen Farm : farm to table with mazes and maps 2023 / [by] Monica Wellington / Holiday House
Emergency! Emergency! 2018 / written by Margaret Mayo ; illustrated by Alex Ayliffe / Orchard
Bridge Bridge 2022 / by: Vicky Franchino; illustrated by: Rich Watson / Children's Press
10 things I can do to help my world 10 things I can do to help my world 2009 / by: Melanie Walsh / Walker Books
Where does my poo go? Where does my poo go? 2021 / by Jo Lindley / DK Publishing
I'm trying to love garbage I'm trying to love garbage 2021 / words & pictures by: Bethany Barton / Viking
Landfill Landfill 2004 / by: Angela Leeper / Heinemann Library
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Tundra Tundra 2007 / by Ted O'Hare / Fitzgerald Books
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Old enough to save the planet: be inspired by real-life children taking action against climate change Old enough to save the planet: be inspired by real-life children taking action against climate change 2020 / written by Loll Kirby; illustrated by Adelina Lirius; foreword by Kallan Benson / Magic Cat Publishing
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Road trip earth : explore our awesome planet, from core to shore and so much more Road trip earth : explore our awesome planet, from core to shore and so much more 2022 / by Molly Bloom...[et al.] / Little, Brown and Company
Forest Forest 2022 / by Brendan Kearney / DK Children
Food atlas: discover all the delicious foods of the world Food atlas: discover all the delicious foods of the world 2017 / by: Giulia Malerba; illustrations by: Febe Sillani; translator, Sharon Morin / Firefly Books
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교량공학실무 교량공학실무 2013 / 이승원, 백옥윤 공저 / 구미서관
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(세상을 잇는)다리 (세상을 잇는)다리 2006 / 필레몬 스터지스 글 ; 자일스 라로슈 그림 ; 김연수 옮김 / 문학동네어린이
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전산교량공학 전산교량공학 2000 / 곽계환 ; 황해성 공저 / 청문각
교량수리학 교량수리학 2003 / LES HAMILL 저;송재우 역 / 구미서관

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