
  • 이미지없음
  • (A)kick in the head

    발행연도 - 2005 / [selected by] Paul B.Janeczko ; [illustrated by] Chris Raschka / Candlewick Press
    • 도서관 영종하늘도서관
    • 자료실 [영종하늘]종합자료실
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 YW0000001279
    • ISBN 0763606626
    • 형태 61 p. 26 cm
    • 한국십진분류 문학 > 영미문학 > 시
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력
(A)primer about the flag (A)primer about the flag 2011 / Marvin Bell ; illustrated by Chris Raschka / Candlewick Press
(A)Celebration of the seasons  : goodnight songs (A)Celebration of the seasons : goodnight songs 2015 / by Margaret Wise Brown. / Sterling
Freedom over me  : eleven slaves, their lives and dreams brought to life Freedom over me : eleven slaves, their lives and dreams brought to life 2016 / by Ashley Bryan. / Atheneum
(A) place inside of me: a poem to heal the heart (A) place inside of me: a poem to heal the heart 2020 / written by Zetta Elliott; illustrations by Noa Denmon / Farrar Straus Giroux
(A)Rocketful of space poems (A)Rocketful of space poems 2017 / by John Foster ; illustrated by Korky Paul. / Frances Lincoln
Remember Remember 2023 / poem by U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo ; illustrations by Caldecott Medalist Michaela Goade / Random House Studio
Mother Goose rhymes Mother Goose rhymes 2007 / illustrated by CD Hullinger / Gingham Dog Press
(A)kick in the head (A)kick in the head 2005 / [selected by] Paul B.Janeczko ; [illustrated by] Chris Raschka / Candlewick Press
Tag your dreams: poems of play and persistence Tag your dreams: poems of play and persistence 2020 / Jacqueline Jules; illustrated by Iris Deppe / Albert Whitman & Company
Animals in pants Animals in pants 2023 / by Suzy Levinson ; illustrated by Kristen Howdeshell , Kevin Howdeshell / Cameron Kids
Where did you come from, baby dear? Where did you come from, baby dear? 2018 / adapted from a poem by George MacDonald; drawings by Jane Dyer / Random House
Steppin' out  : jaunty rhymes for playful rhymes Steppin' out : jaunty rhymes for playful rhymes 2017 / poems by Lin Oliver ; illustrated by Tomie dePaola. / Nancy Paulsen Books
Volcano wakes up! Volcano wakes up! 2010 / by Lisa Westberg Peters ; illustrated by Steve Jenkins. / Square Fish
If you go down to the woods today If you go down to the woods today 2021 / poems by Rachel Piercey; illustrated by Freya Hartas / Magic Cat Publishing
Pip the little penguin Pip the little penguin 2016 / by Roger Priddy ; [illustrated by Lindsey Sagar ; based on original illustrations by Jo Ryan]. / Priddy Books
Pip the little penguin Pip the little penguin 2016 / by Roger Priddy ; [illustrated by Lindsey Sagar ; based on original illustrations by Jo Ryan]. / Priddy Books
논술형 엄마들: 스스로 공부하는 주도적인 아이들의 논술형 엄마들: 스스로 공부하는 주도적인 아이들의 2020 / 지음: 서평화 / 서사원
Hide and seek Hide and seek 2018 / by Anthony Browne / Picture Corgi
Something from nothing Something from nothing 1992 / by Phoebe Gilman / 제이와이북스
천 개의 아침 천 개의 아침 2020 / 지음: 메리 올리버; 옮김: 민승남 / 마음산책
해와 그녀의 꽃들 해와 그녀의 꽃들 2018 / 지음: 루피 카우르, 옮김: 신현림 / 박하
(The)Undefeated (The)Undefeated 2019 / by Kwame Alexander; illustrated by Kadir Nelson / Versify(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
(A) rocketful of space poems (A) rocketful of space poems 2017 / poems chosen by John Foster ; illustrated by Korky Paul / Frances Lincoln Children's Books
가지 않은 길 가지 않은 길 2019 / 지음: 로버트 프로스트 ; 옮김: 손혜숙 / 창비
주머니쥐 할아버지가 들려주는 지혜로운 고양이 이야기 주머니쥐 할아버지가 들려주는 지혜로운 고양이 이야기 2012 / 글: T. S. 엘리엇 ; 그림: 악셀 셰플러 ; 옮김: 이주희 / 시공주니어
우리 모두 우리 모두 2022 / 지음: 레이먼드 카버 ; 옮김: 고영범 / 문학동네
서쪽 바람 서쪽 바람 2023 / 지음: 메리 올리버 ; 옮김: 민승남 / 마음산책
즐거운 소음 : 두 사람을 위한 시 즐거운 소음 : 두 사람을 위한 시 2024 / 지음: 폴 플라이시먼 ; 그림: 에릭 베도스 ; 옮김: 정지인 / 다산어린이
(다시 읽는 존 밀턴의) 실낙원 (다시 읽는 존 밀턴의) 실낙원 2004 / 최재헌 지음 / 경북대학교출판부
Where did you come from, baby dear? Where did you come from, baby dear? 2018 / adapted from a poem by George MacDonald; drawings by Jane Dyer / Random House
Milk and Honey Milk and Honey 2015 / by Rupi Kaur / Andrews McMeel
Ain't burned all the bright Ain't burned all the bright 2022 / by Jason Reynolds; artwork by Jason Griffin / Atheneum
총상 입은 밤하늘 총상 입은 밤하늘 2022 / 지음: 오션 브엉; 옮김: 안톤 허 / 문학과지성사
상상력에게 상상력에게 2020 / 지음: 에밀리 브론테; 옮김: 허현숙 / 민음사

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