
전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력
Star Wars: the rise of Skywalker : the visual dictionary Star Wars: the rise of Skywalker : the visual dictionary 2019 / written by Pablo Hidalgo / DK Penguin Random House
(The) Legend of Zelda : encyclopedia (The) Legend of Zelda : encyclopedia 2018 / translation partner, Ulatus ; translator, Keaton C. White ; reviewer, Shinichiro Tanaka / Dark Horse Books
Korean Conversation Dictionary Korean Conversation Dictionary 2010 / by Jung-sup Kim et al / Hollym
Lonely Planet Korean Phrasebook & Dictionary Lonely Planet Korean Phrasebook & Dictionary 2012 / by Lonely Planet Publications / Lonely Planet
500+ words you should know : an encyclopedia of Islam 500+ words you should know : an encyclopedia of Islam 2014 / Dorrie O'Brien / Dobrien Global Enterprises
Oxford Picture Dictionary : English·Korean Oxford Picture Dictionary : English·Korean 2009 / Jayme Adelson-Goldstein, Norma Shapiro / Oxford
(A) new general english dictionary (A) new general english dictionary 2018 / Thomas Dyche, William Pardon / Sagwan Press
Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English 2015 / by Albert Sydney Hornby ; Margaret Deuter / Oxford University Press
Standard English-Korean Dictionary for Foreigners Standard English-Korean Dictionary for Foreigners 1983 / Edited by B. J. Jones / Hollym
Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary 2013 / edited by Colin McIntosh / Cambridge University
COBUILD advanced learner's dictionary COBUILD advanced learner's dictionary 2018 / John Sinclair / HarperCollins Publishers
Black country dictionary & phrase book Black country dictionary & phrase book 2018 / Steve Edwards / Lydeard Press
Historical dictionary of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau Historical dictionary of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau 2013 / Peter Karibe Mendy, Richard A. Lobban Jr / Scarecrow Press
Handbook on Geospatial Infrastructure in Support of Census Activities Handbook on Geospatial Infrastructure in Support of Census Activities 2009 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
Dag Hammarskjöld  :  Instrument, catalyst, inkpirer Dag Hammarskjöld : Instrument, catalyst, inkpirer 2012 / United Nations / United Nations
Big picture thesaurus Big picture thesaurus 2017 / written by Rosie Hore ; illustrated by Rachael Saunders ; designed by Emily Barden / Usborne
(엣센스)영한사전= Minjung's essence English-Korean dictionary (엣센스)영한사전= Minjung's essence English-Korean dictionary 2020 / 편저: 민중서림 편집국 / 민중서림
능률·롱맨 영한사전 = Neungyule longman English-Korean dictionary 능률·롱맨 영한사전 = Neungyule longman English-Korean dictionary 2013 / 편: 능률교육 / Pearson Longman
동아영어입문사전 동아영어입문사전 2009 / 두산동아 사서편집국 엮음 / 두산동아
영영한 입문 사전 영영한 입문 사전 2006 / 교학사사서부 [엮음] / 교학사
1분 영어사전. 1-4 1분 영어사전. 1-4 2005 / 스티브 정 지음 / 김영사
(동아)프라임 영한사전= Dong-A's prime English-Korean dictionary (동아)프라임 영한사전= Dong-A's prime English-Korean dictionary 2018 / 엮음: 동아출판 / 동아출판
(이진영의)통역번역 기초사전 = Korean-English terminology for beginners (이진영의)통역번역 기초사전 = Korean-English terminology for beginners 2020 / 엮음: 이진영 / 이화여자대학교출판문화원
OXFORD Advanced Learner's Dictionary OXFORD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 2002 / A S Hornby 저 / Oxford
Macmillan English dictionary for advanced learners Macmillan English dictionary for advanced learners 2007 / / Macmillan Education
(롱맨) 현대 영영사전 (롱맨) 현대 영영사전 2009 / 피어슨 롱맨 편 / 두산동아
(롱맨)영영한사전 (롱맨)영영한사전 2005 / 금성출판사편집부 [편] / 금성출판사
현대한영사전 현대한영사전 2003 / 영어사전편찬연구회 편 / 교학사
The Random house dictionary of the English Language The Random house dictionary of the English Language 2002 / / ybm 시사영어사
시사 엘리트 영한사전 시사 엘리트 영한사전 2000 / 편: 시사영어사 / 시사영어사

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