
전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

목차책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표


01 Introduction: The Meaning of the Avant-Garde in Korean Art

02 Resistance to Convention
·Resistance to the Academic Conventions
·Resistance to the Institutional Conventions

03 The Development of Korean Abstract Painting in the 1950s
·Global Expansion of American Abstract Expressionism
·French Art Informel and Japanese Avant-Garde Art
·The Formation of Informel in Korea

04 Avant-Garde as Creation
·Chang Ucchin
·Kim Whan-ki
·Yoo Young-kuk
·Kim Byung-ki
·Park Seo-bo
·Chun Sung-woo
·Youn Myeung-ro
·Choi Wook-kyung

05 Afterword


서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Masterminds and Wingmen : helping our boys cope with schoolyard power, locker-room tests, girlfriends, and the new rules of boy world Masterminds and Wingmen : helping our boys cope with schoolyard power, locker-room tests, girlfriends, and the new rules of boy world 2013 / by: Rosalind Wiseman / Harmony Books
(The)Fourth Trimester : understanding, protecting and nurturing an infant through the first three months (The)Fourth Trimester : understanding, protecting and nurturing an infant through the first three months 2013 / by: Susan Brink / University of California Press
Art as Therapy Art as Therapy 2013 / by: Alain de Botton ; John Armstrong / Phaidon Press
Nikken Sekkei : building future Japan, 1900-2000 Nikken Sekkei : building future Japan, 1900-2000 2000 / Botond Bognar / izzoli
Gaudi, 1852-1926 : Antoni Gaudi i Cornet-a life devoted to architecture Gaudi, 1852-1926 : Antoni Gaudi i Cornet-a life devoted to architecture 2005 / Rainer Zerbst / Taschen
B is for Bauhaus, Y is for YouTube : designing the modern world, from A to Z B is for Bauhaus, Y is for YouTube : designing the modern world, from A to Z 2014 / Deyan Sudjic / Rizzoli Ex Libris
(The)Humanistic Tradition. 5 (The)Humanistic Tradition. 5 1964 / by: Gloria K. Fiero / McGrawHill
Korean abstract painting : a formation of Korean avant-garde Korean abstract painting : a formation of Korean avant-garde 2013 / Kim Hee-young / Hollym International
(The)Complete cartoons of the New Yorker (The)Complete cartoons of the New Yorker 2004 / Robert Mankoff ; David Remnick / Black Dog & Leventhal
One chance : a memoir One chance : a memoir 2013 / Paul Potts / Weinstein Books
Pete Seeger : in his own words Pete Seeger : in his own words 2012 / by Pete Seeger ; selected and edited by Rob Rosenthal and Sam Rosenthal / Paradigm Publishers
(Who was...?)Philip Astley : the inventor of the circus (Who was...?)Philip Astley : the inventor of the circus 2003 / by Nell Stroud ; Illustrated by James Nunn / Short Books
Sport Marketing Sport Marketing 2000 / Bernard J. Mullin ; Stephen Hardy / Champaign, IL
Starting at the finish line : coach Al Buehler's timeless wisdom Starting at the finish line : coach Al Buehler's timeless wisdom 2012 / Amy Unell ; Barbara C. Unell, Bob Unell / Perigee
(The)Closer (The)Closer 2014 / by: Mariano Rivera ; Wayne Coffey / Little, Brown

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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방구석 미술관 방구석 미술관 2018 / 지은이: 조원재 / 블랙피쉬:
행복한 나날들 행복한 나날들 2016 / 글: 김경한 / 리틀천재
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반 고흐 인생수업 반 고흐 인생수업 2014 / 지음: 이동섭 / 아트북스
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벌거벗은 미술 벌거벗은 미술 2021 / 지음: 양정무 / 창비
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