
  • South Korea advances toward a multicultural society

    발행연도 - 2012 / by Eun Mee Kim ; Ok Kyung Yang ; Haiyoung Lee ; Hae Lin Cho / Nanam
    • 도서관 송도국제도서관
    • 자료실 송도국제기구도서관
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 SL0000001976
    • ISBN 9788930086295
    • 형태 278 p. 23 cm
    • 한국십진분류 사회과학 > 사회학, 사회문제 > 사회학
    • 카테고리분류 사회과학 > 사회학 > 사회학 일반

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책소개책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

한국사회는 그 준비여부와 상관없이, 빠르게 다문화사회로 변화하고 있다. 이 책은 외국인노동자와 결혼이민자를 포함하여 2007년 100만 명을 돌파한 한국거주 외국인이 초래한 한국사회의 변화의 소용돌이를 설명하였다.

목차책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Ⅰ Introduction 17
Ⅱ Globalization, Multiculturalism, and Mega Cities 29
1. Globalization, Labor Migration and Global Cities 29
2. Nationalism and Korean Identity 32
3. Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant Villages 32
4. Different Paradigms of Multiculturalism 34
5. Korea’s Foreign Communities and Multiculturalism 35
Ⅲ Koreans and Multiculturalism 39
1. Korean’s Attitude toward Multiculturalism 39
1.1. Survey respondents 41
1.2. Perception of foreigners 42
1.3. Social distance to foreigners 43
1.4. Communication with foreigners 45
1.5. Korea as multicultural society 49
2. In-Depth Survey of Korean’s Attitude in Foreign Villages 51
2.1. Survey respondents in foreign villages 53
2.2. Perception of foreigners 53
2.3. Social distance to foreigners 55
2.4. Communication with foreigners 58
2.5. Culture centers 63
2.6. South Korea as a multicultural society 66

Ⅳ Foreigners Living in Korea 69
1. Seoul’s Foreign Residential and Cultural Villages 69
2. Spatial and Class Analysis of Ethnic Villages in Seoul 73
2.1. The Chosunjok Community : “Yenben Street” 73
2.2. Islam Community : Itaewon Islam Mosque 75
2.3. Hwagyo Community 1 : Little Chinatown 78
2.4. French Community : Seorae Village 80
2.5. Japanese Community : Little Tokyo 83
2.6. Mongolian Community : Mongolian Tower 85
2.7. Hwagyo Community 2 : Chinese Street 87
2.8. Italian Community : Club Italia 89
2.9. The Filipino Community : Sunday Market 89
3. Foreign Brides 94
3.1. Understanding foreign brides 97
3.2. Cultural adjustment and stress 106
3.3. Families of foreign brides 114
3.4. Social life of foreign brides 120
4. International Marriage Families and Their Children 128
4.1. Children of multicultural families 129
4.2. Characteristics of children of multicultural families 131
5. Ansan, Incheon and Other Foreign Villages in South Korea 138
5.1. ‘Borderless Village’ in Wongok-dong, Ansan City 138
5.2. Chinatown in Incheon 140
5.3. Foreigner District in Daegu Dalseo-gu 142
5.4. German Village in Namhae, Gyeongsangnam-do 145

Ⅴ Korea’s Laws and Institutions on Foreigners, Immigration, and Multiculturalism 147
1. Laws and Institutions on Foreigners and Immigration 147
1.1. Industrial Training System(ITS) 150
1.2. Employment Permit System(EPS) 153
1.3. The Consolidated Employment Permit System 155
1.4. Policy for Overseas Koreans: Introduction of H-2 Visa 157
1.5. Nationality Law 160
2. Policies on Multiculturalism 162
2.1. Basic Act on the Treatment of Foreigners in South Korea 163
2.2. Multicultural Policies for Migrant Workers and Marriage Immigrants 167
2.3. Multicultural Policy versus Multicultural Society 172
3. Multicultural Service in South Korea 179
3.1. Multicultural Services in South Korea 179
3.2. Seoul Metropolitan Government 224
3.3. Ansan-si(city) 235

Ⅵ Conclusion 249

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