
  • Hatchet

    발행연도 - 2018 / [by] Gary Paulsen / Longtail Books
    • 도서관 청라호수도서관
    • 자료실 [청라호수]다국어
    • 부록 부록있음
    • 등록번호 HW0000002093
    • ISBN 9791186701645
    • 형태 194, 224 p. 23 cm
    • 한국십진분류 문학 > 영미문학 > 소설
    • 카테고리분류 외국어 > 영어 > 영어독해/번역/통역

전체도서관 소장정보

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자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

책소개책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

뉴베리 컬렉션 시리즈. 「Hatchet(손도끼)」는 캐나다 삼림지대에 홀로 남겨진 열세 살 소년 브라이언의 이야기로 1988년 뉴베리 아너를 수상하였고, 지금까지도 변함없는 사랑을 받고 있다. ‘영어 원서’에 더해, 독자들의 학습을 돕는 ‘워크북’과 미국 현지에서 판매 중인 정식 ‘오디오북’이 함께 제공되어 독자들에게 더 큰 재미와 감동을 선사해줄 것이다.

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(A)Separate peace (A)Separate peace 2003 / by John Knowles / Scribner
Iron lake:  a novel Iron lake: a novel 2019 / by William Kent Krueger / Atria Paperback
To kill a mockingbird To kill a mockingbird 1982 / by Harper Lee / Grand Central Publishing
(The)voyages of Doctor Dolittle (The)voyages of Doctor Dolittle 2008 / retold from the Hugh Lofting ; by Kathleen Olmstead ; illustrated by Lucy Corvino. / Sterling
(An)Object of beauty : a novel (An)Object of beauty : a novel 2011 / by Steve Martin / Grand Central
Mara, daughter of the Nile Mara, daughter of the Nile 2018 / by Eloise Jarvis McGraw / Penguin Books
(Robert Asprin's)Myth-fits (Robert Asprin's)Myth-fits 2016 / by Jody Lynn Nye. / Ace Books
Hatchet Hatchet 2018 / [by] Gary Paulsen / Longtail Books
(The)Story of King arthur and his knights (The)Story of King arthur and his knights 2006 / retold by Howard Pyle ; original by Tania Zamorsky ; illustrated by Dan Andreasen. / Sterling Publishing Co.,Inc.
Private scandals Private scandals 2020 / [by] Nora Roberts / Piatkus
Lincoln in the Bardo Lincoln in the Bardo 2017 / by George Saunders. / Bloomsbury
Black Beauty Black Beauty 2005 / original by Anna Sewell ; retold by Lisa Church ; illustrated by Lucy Corvino. / Sterling
(The)Kings of London (The)Kings of London 2015 / by William Shaw. / Mulholland Books(Little, Brown)
Dark undertakings Dark undertakings 2019 / by Rebecca Tope / Allison & Busby
You will know me : a novel You will know me : a novel 2017 / by Megan E Abbott / Back Bay Books

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Holes Holes 2008 / by Louis Sachar / Yearling Books
When you reach me When you reach me 2009 / by Rebecca Stead / Yearling Book
Fog magic Fog magic 2010 / by Julia L. Sauer / Puffin Books
(The) Outsiders (The) Outsiders 2008 / by S.E. Hinton / Puffin Books
(A) Wrinkle in Time (A) Wrinkle in Time 2007 / by Madeleine L'Engle / Square Fish
(The) giver (The) giver 2014 / by Lois Lowry / Hachette Book
손도끼 손도끼 2020 / 지음: 게리 폴슨; 옮김: 김민석 / 사계절
Officer Spence makes no sense! Officer Spence makes no sense! 2009 / by Dan Gutman, pictures by Jim Paillot / Harpercollins
Mrs. Lizzy is dizzy! Mrs. Lizzy is dizzy! 2010 / by Dan Gutman, pictures by Jim Paillot / Harpercollins
Sarah, Plain and Tall Sarah, Plain and Tall 2015 / by Harpercollins Childrens Books / Harpercollins
(A) year down yonder (A) year down yonder 2000 / by Richard Peck / Puffin Books
Bud, Not Buddy Bud, Not Buddy 2002 / Christopher Paul Curtis / Yearling Books
Number the Stars Number the Stars 2011 / by Lois Lowry / Sandpiper
Paperboy Paperboy 2014 / by Vince Vawter. / Yearling Books
(The)secret of the old clock (The)secret of the old clock 1987 / by Carolyn Keene / Grosset & Dunlap

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

테스. 1 테스. 1 2014 / 토머스 하디 지음 ; 김명신 옮김 / 더클래식
테스. 2 테스. 2 2014 / 토머스 하디 지음 ; 김명신 옮김 / 더클래식
(The) collector of thoughts (The) collector of thoughts 2011 / By Monika Feth ; illus. by Antoni Boratynski ; trans. by Sun-Ae Hwang ; Horace Jeffery Hodges ; coor. Kyung-Yun Kim / 풀빛

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