
  • Birds

    발행연도 - 2017 / by Bridget Heos; illustrated by David Clark / Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • 도서관 청라호수도서관
    • 자료실 [청라호수]다국어
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 HW0000001554
    • ISBN 9780544570443
    • 형태 [29] p. 23x26 cm
    • 한국십진분류 자연과학 > 동물학 > 조류
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

What do we know about the kraken? What do we know about the kraken? 2024 / by Ben Hubbard ; illustrated by Robert Squier / Penguin Workshop
What a shell can tell : where they live, what they eat, how they move and more What a shell can tell : where they live, what they eat, how they move and more 2022 / by Helen Scales ; illustrated by Sonia Pulido / Phaidon Press
(A DAY IN THE LIFE)Bugs : what do bees, ants, and dragonflies get up to all day? (A DAY IN THE LIFE)Bugs : what do bees, ants, and dragonflies get up to all day? 2022 / Dr. Jessica L. Ware ; illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat / Neon Squid
Honey bee : a first field guide to the world's favorite pollinating insect Honey bee : a first field guide to the world's favorite pollinating insect 2023 / written by Dr. Priyadarshini Chakrabarti Basu ; illustrated by Astrid Weguelin / Neon Squid
(The) coral kingdom (The) coral kingdom 2018 / [by] Laura Knowles & Jennie Webber / Words & Pictures
How to spy on a shark How to spy on a shark 2019 / Lori Haskins Houran ; illustrated by Francisca Marquez / Albert Whitman & Company
Sea turtles Sea turtles 2020 / by Gail Gibbons / Holiday House
Birds Birds 2017 / by Bridget Heos; illustrated by David Clark / Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
1001 birds 1001 birds 2023 / Joanna Rzezak / Thames and Hudson
Let's hatch chicks!: explore the wonderful world of chickens and eggs Let's hatch chicks!: explore the wonderful world of chickens and eggs 2018 / by Lisa Steele; illustrated by Perry Taylor / Young Voyageur
Puffins climb, penguins rhyme Puffins climb, penguins rhyme 2001 / by Bruce McMillan / Voyager Books
Emperor of the ice : how a changing climate affects a penguin colony Emperor of the ice : how a changing climate affects a penguin colony 2023 / Nicola Davies ; illustrated by Catherine Rayner / Candlewick Press
(A)Passion for elephants : the real life adventure of field scientist Cynthia Moss (A)Passion for elephants : the real life adventure of field scientist Cynthia Moss 2015 / by Toni Buzzeo ; illustrated by Holly Berry. / Dial Books
Could you ever dive with dolphins!? Could you ever dive with dolphins!? 2023 / written by Sandra Markle ; illustrated by Vanessa Morales / Scholastic
Human body learning lab : take an inside tour how your anatomy works Human body learning lab : take an inside tour how your anatomy works 2022 / Betty Choi, MD / Storey Publishing

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Seagrass dreams : a counting book Seagrass dreams : a counting book 2017 / by Kathleen M. Hanes ; illustrations by Chloe Bonfield / Seagrass Press
(The) universe in you : a microscopic journey (The) universe in you : a microscopic journey 2022 / Jason Chin / Neal Porter Books
Inside ralphie : A book about germs Inside ralphie : A book about germs 1995 / by Joanna Cole ; illustrations by Bruce Degen / Scholastic
Minnie and Moo: the night of the living bed Minnie and Moo: the night of the living bed 2003 / Denys Cazet / HarperCollins
Twinkle twinkle little star: I know exactly what you are Twinkle twinkle little star: I know exactly what you are 2018 / words by Julia Kregenow, PhD; pictures by Carmen Saldaña / Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
From a tiny seed to a mighty tree : how plants grow. [5] From a tiny seed to a mighty tree : how plants grow. [5] 2016 / by Ruth Owen / Ruby Tuesday
Wet all over : A book about the water cycle Wet all over : A book about the water cycle 1996 / by Joanna Cole ; illustrations by Bruce Degen / Scholastic
Makes a rainbow  : a book about color Makes a rainbow : a book about color 1997 / written by Joanna Cole ; illustrated by Bruce Degen / Scholastic
Down, down, down  : a journey to the bottom of the sea Down, down, down : a journey to the bottom of the sea 2009 / by Steve Jenkins. / Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
(The story of)Pegasus (The story of)Pegasus 2007 / retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Simona Bursi / Usborne

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

새의 언어 : [이북 E-book] 새는 늘 인간보다 더 나은 답을 찾는다 새의 언어 : [이북 E-book] 새는 늘 인간보다 더 나은 답을 찾는다 2021 / 지음: 데이비드 앨런 시블리 ; 옮김: 김율희 / 윌북
새들의 천재성 새들의 천재성 2017 / 지음: 제니퍼 애커먼 ; 옮김: 김소정 / 까치
뒷산의 새 이야기 : 처음 만나는 산새 관찰기 뒷산의 새 이야기 : 처음 만나는 산새 관찰기 2021 / 글 그림: 이우만 / 보리
날개 위의 세계 : 철새의 놀라운 지구 여행기 날개 위의 세계 : 철새의 놀라운 지구 여행기 2023 / 지음: 스콧 와이덴솔 ; 옮김: 김병순 / 열린책들
펭귄의 여름 : 남극에서 펭귄을 쫓는 어느 동물행동학자의 일기 펭귄의 여름 : 남극에서 펭귄을 쫓는 어느 동물행동학자의 일기 2019 / 글·그림: 이원영 / 생각의힘
철새, 생명의 날갯짓 철새, 생명의 날갯짓 2018 / 스즈키 마모루 글·그림 ; 김황 옮김 / 천개의바람
그 곳에 가면 새가 있다 그 곳에 가면 새가 있다 2002 / 김해창 / 동양문고
(생명과학자 김성호 교수와 함께하는) 우리 새의 봄·여름·가을·겨울 (생명과학자 김성호 교수와 함께하는) 우리 새의 봄·여름·가을·겨울 2017 / 김성호 글과 사진 / 지성사
(야외원색도감)한국의 새 = A field guide to the birds of Korea (야외원색도감)한국의 새 = A field guide to the birds of Korea 2005 / 이우신 ; 구태회 ; 박진영 [공] 지음 ; 타니구찌 타카시 그림 / LG상록재단
1001 birds 1001 birds 2023 / Joanna Rzezak / Thames and Hudson
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새와 함께 꿈을 꾸다 새와 함께 꿈을 꾸다 2013 / 지음: 박진석 / 자연과사람
아기 펭귄은 비밀이 많아! : 귀여운 줄만 알았지? 아기 펭귄은 비밀이 많아! : 귀여운 줄만 알았지? 2020 / 원작: 펭귄 비행기 제작소 ; 옮긴이: 정인영 / 지학사아르볼 :
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