보드북. 갈색 곰, 빨간 새, 노란 오리, 파란 말, 초록 개구리, 흰 개, 검은 양, 금붕어 등의 동물들에게 "What do you see?" 라는 질문을 하면, 각각의 동물들이 "I see ~" 하면서 무슨 동물들을 보고 있다고 대답하는 구조이다. 색깔과 동물들의 이름을 익힐 수 있고, 간단하게 질문하는 문장을 반복하면서 배울 수 있다. 무엇보다 에릭 칼의 독특한 색감에 호감이 간다.
On my way to the bath2012 / by Sarah Maizes ; illustrated by Michael Paraskevas / Walker & Co
Ready Rabbit gets ready!2015 / by Brenna Maloney ; photographs by Chuck Kennedy / Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA)
Meet Bubble kitty!2015 / adapted by Mary Man-Kong ; based on the teleplay "Bubble Kitty!" by Melinda LaRose, with additional writing by Jonny Belt, Lucas Mills, Robert Scull ; illustrated by Eren Unten / Golden Book
Jackhammer sam2011 / by Peter Mandel ; illustrated by David Catrow / Roaring Brook Press
Strictly no elephants2015 / written by Lisa Mantchev , illustrated by Taeeun Yoo / Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
(The) belly book2013 / by Fran Manushkin ; illustrated by Dan Yaccarino / MacMillan Children's Books
(The) Passover Lamb : Based on a true story2013 / by Linda Elovitz Marshall ; illustrated by Tatjana Mai-Wyss / Random House
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?2004 / by Bill Martin, Jr. ; pictures by Eric Carle / Henry Holt and Company
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom1991 / by Bill Martin, John Archambault ; illustrate by Lois Ehlert, Ray Charles / Little Simon
Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?2007 / by Bill Martin Jr ; Eric Carle / JY Books
(The) wonderful things you will be2015 / by Emily Winfield Martin. / Random House
Love always everywhere2014 / by Sarah Massini / Random House
(The) berry bitty princess pageant2013 / by Mickie Matheis ; illustrated by Laura Thomas / Grosset & Dunlap
(The) hundred penny box1975 / by Sharon Bell Mathis ; illustrated by Leo Dillon ; Diane Dillon / Puffin Books
Attack of the evil minions!2013 / by Kirsten Mayer ; illustrated by Ed Miller / Little, Brown and Company
같이 빌린 책
Go, shapes, go!2014 / by Denise Fleming / Beach Lane
Polar bear,polar bear,what do you hear?2004 / by Bill Martin Jr ; pictures by Eric Carle / Henry Holth
Everyone poops2001 / by Taro Gomi. / Kane/Miller
I'm a fire fighter2003 / by Mary Packard ; illustrated by Julie Durrell / Scholastic(TWO POND)
Go away,big green monster!2005 / by Ed Emberley / Little brown
I'm a fire fighter2003 / by: Mary Packard ; illustrated by: Julie Durrell / Scholastic
Today is monday = 오늘은 월요일 1997 / Pictures by Eric Carle / PaperSTAR:
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 2004 / written and illustrated by Eileen Christelow / JYbooks:
Does a kangaroo have a mother, too?2000 / by Eric Carle / JYbooks
Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?. 22007 / by Bill Martin, Jr. ; pictures by Eric Carle / Henly Holt and company
Panda bear, panda bear, what do you see?. 12007 / by Bill Martin, Jr. ; pictures by Eric Carle / Henly Holt and company
Hooray for fish! 2006 / by Lucy Cousins / Walker Books:
같은 주제의 책
네 개의 서명. 2, EQ세계추리SF문학2016 / 지음: 한국톨스토이 출판부 / 톨스토이
Mr. Men2012 / by Roger Hargreaves / Egmont
마법의 시간여행. 53, 카리브 해의 상어2015 / 메리 폽 어즈번 지음 ; 살 머도카 그림 ; 노은정 옮김 / 비룡소
Little Miss Christmas2005 / written and illustrated by Roger Hargreaves / Egmont
Anne. 사랑스러운 그 이름 : [큰글자도서]. 302018 / 지음: 루시 모드 몽고메리 ; 영어 번역: 리처드 프랜시스 버턴 ; [한국어 번역]: 큰글출판부 / 큰글