
  • Party croc! : (A) folktale from Zimbabwe

    발행연도 - 2015 / retold by Margaret Read MacDonald ; illustrated by Derek Sullivan / Albert Whitman & Company
    • 도서관 미추홀도서관
    • 자료실 [미추홀]어울림터
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 WM0000015805
    • ISBN 9780807563205
    • 형태 1 v. (un paged) 22×28 cm
    • 한국십진분류 사회과학 > 풍속, 예절, 민속학 > 민속학
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

On New year's eve On New year's eve 2005 / written by Judy Zocchi ; illustrated by Rebecca Wallis / Dingles & Company
On Thanksgiving day On Thanksgiving day 2005 / written by Judy Zocchi ; illustrated by Rebecca Wallis / Dingles & Company
On Valentine's day On Valentine's day 2005 / written by Judy Zocchi ; illustrated by Rebecca Wallis / Dingles & Company
Tomorrow is New Year's Day  : Seollal, a Korean celebration of the Lunar New Year  Tomorrow is New Year's Day : Seollal, a Korean celebration of the Lunar New Year 2022 / by Aram Kim / Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Christmas Christmas 2020 / Lisa Jackson / Rourke Educational Media
(The)uglified ducky  : a maynard moose tale (The)uglified ducky : a maynard moose tale 2011 / as told to Willy Claflin ; illustrated by James Stimson / August House
Dear Mili : An old tale Dear Mili : An old tale 2013 / an old tale by Wilhelm Grimm ; newly translated by Ralph Manheim ; with pictures by Maurice Sendak / Square Fish
Party croc! : (A) folktale from Zimbabwe Party croc! : (A) folktale from Zimbabwe 2015 / retold by Margaret Read MacDonald ; illustrated by Derek Sullivan / Albert Whitman & Company
Three little pigs  : my first reading book : Big Book : [빅북] Three little pigs : my first reading book : Big Book : [빅북] 2015 / Ken Morton ; Janet Allison Brown / Armadillo Music
Things that go : [팝업북] Things that go : [팝업북] 2012 / written by Dawn Sirett ; designed by Susan Calver / Dorling Kindersley
(The)three bears (The)three bears 1991 / Byron Barton / HarperCollins
Stone soup  : an old tale Stone soup : an old tale 1997 / told and pictured by Marcia Brown. / Aladdin Paperbacks
(The)magician's apprentice (The)magician's apprentice 2011 / by Alison Edgson / Child's Play (International)
Krishna and the Mystery of the Stolen Calves Krishna and the Mystery of the Stolen Calves 2013 / written by: Joshua M. Greene ; illustrated by: Dominique Amendola / Insight Kids
Kaliya, Serpent King Kaliya, Serpent King 2012 / by Joshua M. Greene ; illustrations by Patrick Wire / Insight Editions

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(The)big egg (The)big egg 2011 / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
Millions of cats Millions of cats 2007 / novel by Wanda Ga'G / Puffin Books
MAGIC TREE HOUSE. 26, Good Morning, Gorillas MAGIC TREE HOUSE. 26, Good Morning, Gorillas 1992 / by Mary Pope Osborne ; ill. by Sal Murdocca / Random House
Fire! Fire! 2011 / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
Buzz boy and fly guy Buzz boy and fly guy 2010 / by Tedd Arnold / Scholastic
(The) carrot cake catastrophe (The) carrot cake catastrophe 2014 / by author Elizabeth Dale ; illustrator Gemma Raynor / Parragon Books Ltd
Little Dog Lost Little Dog Lost 2012 / by Monica Carnesi / Nancy Paulsen Books
Yellow bird, black spider Yellow bird, black spider 2004 / by Dosh Archer ; Mike Archer / Bloomsbury Children's Books
Mammoth Mammoth 2002 / by Patrick O'Brien / Henry Holt and Company
Bake you a pie Bake you a pie 2006 / by Ellen Olson-Brown & Brian Claflin ; illustrations by Jeffrey Ebbeler / Tricycle Press
My Daddy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. My Daddy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2013 / by Martin Luther King Ⅲ ; illustrated by AG Ford / HarperCollins
Monkey tricks Monkey tricks 2011 / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
(The) Great race (The) Great race 2011 / by Kevin O'Malley / Walker & Company

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

아이와 함께 두배로 즐기는 부모 길잡이 책 아이와 함께 두배로 즐기는 부모 길잡이 책 2006 / 한국차일드아카데미편집부 편 / 한국차일드아카데미
(세계전래동화)Animation world. 1-26 (세계전래동화)Animation world. 1-26 2004 / 엄혜숙...[등]엮음 ; 김윤희 그림 / 한솔교육
부모 길잡이 책 부모 길잡이 책 2007 / / 웅진씽크빅
호롱불 옛이야기. 1-41 호롱불 옛이야기. 1-41 2003 / 웅진닷컴 [편] / 웅진닷컴
다시 읽는 임석재 옛이야기. 7, 열두 삼천 벌 다시 읽는 임석재 옛이야기. 7, 열두 삼천 벌 2011 / 임석재 글 ; 임혜령 엮음 ; 한태희 그림 / 한림
점 잘 치는 훈장 점 잘 치는 훈장 2011 / 박영만 원작 ; 원유순 엮음 ; 한상언 그림 / 사파리(이퍼블릭)
세계의 신화와 전설. 1-10 세계의 신화와 전설. 1-10 2003 / 빅 파커 글 ; 버지니아 그레이 그림 ; 이경혜 옮김 / 한솔교육
와! 재미있고 지혜로운 고전 속의 우리 옛이야기. 1-10 와! 재미있고 지혜로운 고전 속의 우리 옛이야기. 1-10 2001 / 민족문화추진회 엮음 ; 황정희 그림 / 아침나라
따오기의 하얀 날개, 백령도 따오기의 하얀 날개, 백령도 2020 / 글·그림: 정지윤, 기획·감수: 인천광역시 / 한림
세계 민담 전집. 01 - 10 세계 민담 전집. 01 - 10 2003 / / 황금가지
좁쌀 한 톨로 장가가기 좁쌀 한 톨로 장가가기 2014 / 글: 김미혜 ; 그림: 최민오 / 국민서관
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장봉도 어부와 인어 장봉도 어부와 인어 2022 / 글·그림: 문종훈 / 한림출판사
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