
전체도서관 소장정보

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자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(The) Impossible State : North Korea, Past and Future (The) Impossible State : North Korea, Past and Future 2012 / by Victor Cha / HarperCollins
Only Beautiful, Please : A British Diplomat in North Korea Only Beautiful, Please : A British Diplomat in North Korea 2012 / by John Everard / Asia-Pacific Research Network
Dealing With the Democratic People's Republic of Korea : A Snapshot  of the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century Dealing With the Democratic People's Republic of Korea : A Snapshot of the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century 2008 / by J. Kim / Biblioscholar
Escape from north korea : the untold story of Asia's underground railroad Escape from north korea : the untold story of Asia's underground railroad 2012 / by Melanie Kirkpatrick / Perseus Books Group
North Korea : Beyond Charismatic Politics North Korea : Beyond Charismatic Politics 2012 / by Heonik Kwon ; Byung-ho Chung / Rowman & Littlefield
(The) real North Korea : life and politics in the failed stalinist utopia (The) real North Korea : life and politics in the failed stalinist utopia 2013 / by Andrei Lankov / Oxford Univ
(the)Sunshine Policy : in defense of engagement as a path to peace in Korea (the)Sunshine Policy : in defense of engagement as a path to peace in Korea 2012 / Chung-in Moon / Yonsei University Press
(The)Western DMZ Paju : Tharp's guidebooks to the Korean frontlines (The)Western DMZ Paju : Tharp's guidebooks to the Korean frontlines 2014 / Stephen M. Tharp. / Cheolma Publishing
(The)chinese imperial examination system : an annotated bibliography (The)chinese imperial examination system : an annotated bibliography 2013 / Rui Wang / Scarecrow Press
(The)Deception of the Arab Spring (The)Deception of the Arab Spring 2016 / Amjad Taha / Authorhouse
(The)Great british coronavirus hoax (The)Great british coronavirus hoax 2020 / by Nicholas Kollerstrom / New Alchemy Press
Brexit Britain: the consequences of the vote to leave the European Union Brexit Britain: the consequences of the vote to leave the European Union 2023 / Paul Whiteley, Harold D. Clarke, Matthew J. Goodwin, Marianne C. Stewart / Cambridge University Press
One Nation : what we can all do to save America's future One Nation : what we can all do to save America's future 2014 / Ben Carson, Candy Carson / Penguin USA
¡Adios, America! : the left's plan to turn our country into a third world hellhole ¡Adios, America! : the left's plan to turn our country into a third world hellhole 2015 / Ann Coulter / Regnery Publishing, a division of Salem Media Group
What the (bleep) just happened? : the happy warrior's guide to the great American comeback What the (bleep) just happened? : the happy warrior's guide to the great American comeback 2012 / by Monica Crowley / Broadside Books, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

퍼스트레이디를 알면 미국이 보인다  = Firstlady 퍼스트레이디를 알면 미국이 보인다 = Firstlady 2009 / 김승민과 그림떼 글·그림 / 김영사
백범의 길  : 조국의 산하를 걷다 백범의 길 : 조국의 산하를 걷다 2018 / 집필: 김명섭, 심지연, 도진순, 신복룡, 이희환 / Arte(아르테)
평양에 간 둘리 [과1] 평양에 간 둘리 [과1] 2020 / 김미조 글; 조혜승 그림 / 다림
백범의 길  : 조국의 산하를 걷다, 강원·충청·전라·경상 편 백범의 길 : 조국의 산하를 걷다, 강원·충청·전라·경상 편 2018 / 집필: 김상기, 신복룡, 도진순, 한규무, 김용달 / Arte(아르테)
여행 중 민주주의가 말을 걸다  : 역사 속 유적을 통해 배우는 민주주의 여행 중 민주주의가 말을 걸다 : 역사 속 유적을 통해 배우는 민주주의 2017 / 지음: 홍순구 / 아이북

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