
  • (The) Next Exit : USA Interstate Highway Exit Directory

    발행연도 - 2012 / by Mark Watson / The Next Exit
    • 도서관 송도국제도서관
    • 자료실 송도국제기구도서관
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 SL0000002267
    • ISBN 9780984692118
    • 형태 509 p. 27 cm
    • 한국십진분류 기술과학 > 공학, 공업일반, 토목공학, 환경공학 > 도로공학
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Defending beef : the case for sustainable meat production Defending beef : the case for sustainable meat production 2014 / Nicolette Hahn Niman / Chelsea Green Publishing
Esther the wonder pig : changing the world one heart at a time Esther the wonder pig : changing the world one heart at a time 2016 / Steve Jenkins ; Derek Walter ; Caprice Crane / Grand Central Publishing
(The)Lion in the living room : how house cats tamed us and took over the world (The)Lion in the living room : how house cats tamed us and took over the world 2016 / Abigail Tucker / Simon & Schuster
Things fall together: a guide to the new materials revolution Things fall together: a guide to the new materials revolution 2021 / Skylar Tibbits / Princeton University Press
Stuff matters : exploring the marvelous materials that shape our man-made world Stuff matters : exploring the marvelous materials that shape our man-made world 2015 / Mark Miodownik / Mariner Books
Making the high-speed train fly : Korean global STI strategy Making the high-speed train fly : Korean global STI strategy 2011 / by Kim Suk-Joon and others / JIMOONDANG
Empowering Korea with new innovations : 새로운 혁신을 통한 과학한국의 성장 Empowering Korea with new innovations : 새로운 혁신을 통한 과학한국의 성장 2011 / by Kim Suk-Joon and others / JIMOONDANG
(The) Next Exit : USA Interstate Highway Exit Directory (The) Next Exit : USA Interstate Highway Exit Directory 2012 / by Mark Watson / The Next Exit
Intro. to Environmental Engineering & Science Intro. to Environmental Engineering & Science 2014 / by Gilbert M. Masters ; Wendell P. Ela / Pearson
(The) planet remade : How geoengineering could change the world (The) planet remade : How geoengineering could change the world 2016 / by Oliver Morton / Princeton University Press
Wild thoughts : great writing about wild nature, wilderness and the people who love and protect them Wild thoughts : great writing about wild nature, wilderness and the people who love and protect them 2015 / selected and with commentary by Doug Scott / Createspace
(The)water-wise home : how to conserve, capture, and reuse water in your home and landscape (The)water-wise home : how to conserve, capture, and reuse water in your home and landscape 2015 / Laura Allen / Storey Publishing
Your water footprint : the shocking facts about how much water we use to make everyday products Your water footprint : the shocking facts about how much water we use to make everyday products 2014 / Stephen Leahy / Firefly Books
Let there be water : Israel's solution for a water-starved world Let there be water : Israel's solution for a water-starved world 2017 / Seth M. Siegel / Thomas Dunne Books
Maddie on Things Maddie on Things 2013 / by Theron Humphrey / Chronicle Books

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

빅로드 : 고속도로의 탄생 빅로드 : 고속도로의 탄생 2019 / 지음: 얼 스위프트, 옮김: 양영철, 유미진 / 글램북스
육교, 도로와 사람을 잇다 : 삶이 있는 육교 이야기 육교, 도로와 사람을 잇다 : 삶이 있는 육교 이야기 2021 / 글: 지혜선 ; 그림: 김세진 / 이론과 실천
(더 멀리, 더 빠르게!) 미래 교통과 통신 (더 멀리, 더 빠르게!) 미래 교통과 통신 2021 / 지은이: 신선웅, 조남철; 그린이: 유남영 / 뭉치
교통공학 교통공학 2004 / 김대웅;김동현 지음 / 형설출판사
교통망분석론 교통망분석론 2003 / 임강원;임용택 [공]저 / 서울대학교출판부
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도로설계공학 도로설계공학 2005 / 하태준 ; 박제진 공저 / 전남대학교출판부
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Roadworks Roadworks 2019 / by: Sally Sutton ; Illustrated by: Brian Lovelock / Walker Books
첨단 교통안전공학  = Advanced transportation safety engineering 첨단 교통안전공학 = Advanced transportation safety engineering 2019 / 지음: 오영태, 강동수 / 청문각
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(최신) 도로공학 (최신) 도로공학 2015 / 권기철 저 / 구미서관
도로와 환경 도로와 환경 2011 / 정경선, 최윤환 ; 김경일 ; 강문식 ; 김낙륭 ; 이상돈 공저 / 넥서스환경디자인연구원

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