A practical guide to taking control of your mental health for today, tomorrow, and the days after, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author and beloved entertainer. 'There's a moment at the end of every day, where the world falls away and you are left alone with your thoughts. A reckoning, when the things you have been pushing to the background, come forward and demand your attention.
Grit : (The) power of passion and perseverance2016 / by Angela Duckworth / Scribner
Smarter, faster, better : the transformative power of real productivity2017 / Charles Duhigg / Random House
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in2011 / by Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton, editor / Penguin Books
Do nothing: how to break away from overworking, overdoing, and underliving 2020 / Celeste Headlee / Harmony Books
Talking on eggshells : soft skills for hard conversations 2023 / Sam Horn, CEO of the Tongue Fu! Training Institute / New World Library
On looking : a walker's guide to the art of observation2014 / Alexandra Horowitz / Scribner
(The)greatest mindset : unlock the power of your mind and live your best life today 2024 / Lewis Howes / Hay House
You will get through this night2021 / Daniel Howell / Dey St.
Things no one taught us about love : how to build healthy relationships with yourself and others 2024 / Vex King / Bluebird
Rethinking narcissism : the secret to recognizing and coping with narcissists2016 / Craig Malkin / Harper Perennial
How to win any argument: without raising your voice, losing your cool, or coming to blows2017 / Robert Mayer / Rupa
13 things mentally strong people don't do : take back your power, embrace change, face your fears, and train your brain for happiness and success2014 / Amy Morin / William Morrow
Pause: harnessing the life-changing power of giving yourself a break 2017 / Rachael O'Meara / TarcherPerigee Book
Strength in stillness : the power of Transcendental Meditation2018 / Bob Roth, Kevin Carr O'Leary / Simon & Schuster
Black sheep : (The) hidden benefits of being bad2016 / by Richard Stephens / John Murray Publishers
같이 빌린 책
느끼고 아는 존재 : 인간의 마음은 어떻게 진화했을까 2021 / 지음: 안토니오 다마지오 ; 옮김: 고현석 / 흐름출판
Rethinking narcissism : the secret to recognizing and coping with narcissists2016 / Craig Malkin / Harper Perennial
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나는 둔감하게 살기로 했다: 초조해하지않고 나답게 사는 법2018 / 와타나베 준이치 지음; 정세영 옮김 / 다산초당