
  • (The) book of mirrors

    발행연도 - 2018 / E.O. Chirovici / Emily Bestler Books
    • 도서관 송도국제도서관
    • 자료실 송도국제기구도서관
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 SL0000017349
    • ISBN 9781501141553
    • 형태 276 p. 21 cm
    • 한국십진분류 문학 > 이탈리아문학 > 루마니아문학
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Numero zero Numero zero 2016 / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by Richard Dixon / Mariner Books
(The) Prague Cemetery (The) Prague Cemetery 2012 / by Umberto Eco ; Translated from the Italian by Richard Dixon / Mariner Books
(The)lying life of adults (The)lying life of adults 2021 / Elena Ferrante; translated from the Italian by Ann Goldstein / Europa Editions
(The) lost daughter (The) lost daughter 2021 / Elena Ferrante; translated from the Italian by Ann Goldstein / Europa Editions
If not now, when? If not now, when? 2017 / Primo Levi ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver ; Introduction by Irving Howe / Simon & Schuster Paperbacks
At the wolf's table At the wolf's table 2020 / Rosella Postorino; translated from the Italian by Leah Janeczko / Flatiron Books
Trick Trick 2018 / by Domenico Starnone; translated from the Italian by Jhumpa Lahiri / Europa Editions
(The) book of mirrors (The) book of mirrors 2018 / E.O. Chirovici / Emily Bestler Books
Zorba the Greek Zorba the Greek 2016 / Nikos Kazantzakis ; translated by Carl Wildman / Faber & Faber
Anna Karenina : a novel in eight parts Anna Karenina : a novel in eight parts 2004 / translated by Richard Pevear ; Larissa Volokhonsky / Penguin Classics Delux Edition
(A) swim in a pond in the rain: in which four Russians give a master class on writing, reading, and life (A) swim in a pond in the rain: in which four Russians give a master class on writing, reading, and life 2021 / George Saunders / Random House
Dostoevsky : a writer in his time Dostoevsky : a writer in his time 2010 / Joseph Frank ; edited by Mary Petrusewicz / Princeton University Press
Give War and Peace a chance : Tolstoyan wisdom for troubled times Give War and Peace a chance : Tolstoyan wisdom for troubled times 2014 / Andrew D. Kaufman / Simon & Schuster
Pax Pax 2021 / by Annie Lighthart / Fernwood Press
Secondhand time : the last of the Soviets Secondhand time : the last of the Soviets 2017 / Svetlana Alexievich ; translated by Bela Shayevich / Random House

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Since we fell  : a novel Since we fell : a novel 2017 / by Dennis Lehane / Ecco
(The)Blood road (The)Blood road 2019 / by: Stuart MacBride / HarperCollins Pub
Red queen Red queen 2015 / by Victoria Aveyard / Orion Books
Nothing to hide Nothing to hide 2019 / by: James Oswald / Headline Eternal
(The) invisible guardian: a novel (The) invisible guardian: a novel 2017 / [by] Dolores Redondo, translated from Spanish by Isabelle Kaufeler / Atria Paperback
Tell me something real Tell me something real 2017 / by Calla Devlin / Atheneum Books
Crap kingdom Crap kingdom 2014 / by DC Pierson / Speak
(The) Restaurant At the End of the Universe (The) Restaurant At the End of the Universe 2002 / [by] Douglas Adams / Picador
(The) Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy (The) Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy 2009 / [by] Douglas Adams ; with a foreword by Eoin Colfer / MacMillan Children's Books
Sisters Sisters 2014 / Raina Telgemeier ; with color by Braden Lamb / Scholastic
(The) Prague Cemetery (The) Prague Cemetery 2012 / by Umberto Eco ; Translated from the Italian by Richard Dixon / Mariner Books
(The)Fate of Mercy Alban (The)Fate of Mercy Alban 2013 / by Wendy Webb / Hyperion Books
(The) human tide : how population shaped the modern world (The) human tide : how population shaped the modern world 2019 / Paul Morland / John Murray
(The) bus driver who wanted to be God & other stories (The) bus driver who wanted to be God & other stories 2015 / Etgar Keret ; translated from the Hebrew by Miriam Shlesinger, Margaret Weinberger-Rotman, Anthony Berris, Dan Ofri, Dalya Bilu / Riverhead Books

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

기적의 종달새 호피 . 1 , 태양의 전설과 숲의 위기  기적의 종달새 호피 . 1 , 태양의 전설과 숲의 위기 2024 / 지음: 알렉스 도노비치 ; 그림: 스텔라 다마신 포파 ; 옮김: 김지연 / 보랏빛소어린이
기적의 종달새 호피 . 2 , 사라진 겨울 구출 대작전 기적의 종달새 호피 . 2 , 사라진 겨울 구출 대작전 2024 / 지음: 알렉스 도노비치 ; 그림: 스텔라 다마신 포파 ; 옮김: 김지연 / 보랏빛소어린이
숲속의 동화 숲속의 동화 1995 / 미하일 사도베아누 외저 ; 김성기 역 / 한국외국어대학교 출판부
절망의 끝에서 절망의 끝에서 1996 / 에밀 시오랑 저 ; 김정숙 역 / 강
거울의 책 거울의 책 2017 / 지은이: E. O. 키로비치 ; 옮긴이: 이윤진 / 민음사

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