
  • (The)Enemy
  • (The)Enemy

    발행연도 - 2008. / by Desmond Bagley. / Oxford University Press
    • 도서관 청라호수도서관
    • 자료실 [청라호수]다국어
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 CL0000054474
    • ISBN 9780194792608
    • 형태 120 p. 20 cm.
    • 한국십진분류 문학 >
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

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서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

King's ransom King's ransom 2008 / by ED McBain ; retold from the original novel by Rosalie Kerr / Oxford University Press
(The)Age of Innocence (The)Age of Innocence 2008 / by Edith Wharton. / Oxford University Press
(The)Age of innocence (The)Age of innocence 2008 / by Edith Wharton ; retold by Clare West / Oxford University Press
Treading on dreams : Stories from Ireland Treading on dreams : Stories from Ireland 2008 / retold by Clare West. / Oxford University Press
Treading on dreams : Stories from Ireland Treading on dreams : Stories from Ireland 2008 / retold by Clare West / Oxford University Press
(A)Passage to India (A)Passage to India 2009 / by E.M. Forster ; Retold by Clare West. / Oxford University Press
Oliver Twist Oliver Twist 2008 / by Charles Dickens. / Oxford University Press
(The)Enemy (The)Enemy 2008 / by Desmond Bagley. / Oxford University Press
Vanity fair Vanity fair 2008 / by William Thackeray. / Oxford University Press
Night without end Night without end 2008 / by Alistair Maclean. / Oxford University Press
Pride and prejudice Pride and prejudice 2008 / by Jane Austen. / Oxford University Press
Barchester towers Barchester towers 2008 / by Anthony Trollope. / Oxford University Press
Cry freedom Cry freedom 2008 / by John Briley. / Oxford University Press
Deadheads Deadheads 2008 / by Reginald Hill. / Oxford University Press
Tess of the d'Urbervilles Tess of the d'Urbervilles 2008 / by Thomas Hardy. / Oxford University Press

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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(The)Dead of Jericho (The)Dead of Jericho 2008 / by Colin Dexter. / Oxford University Press
Deadlock Deadlock 2008 / by Sara Paretsky. / Oxford University Press
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Ghost stories Ghost stories 2008 / retold by Rosemary Border / Oxford University Press
Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights 2008 / by Emily Bronte ; retold by Clare West / Oxford University Press
(A)Time of miracles (A)Time of miracles 2012 / by Anne-Laure Bondoux ; translated from the french by Y. Maudet. / Ember
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(The)Mysterious death of Charles Bravo (The)Mysterious death of Charles Bravo 2008 / by Tim Vicary / Oxford University Press
(A)little princess (A)little princess 2012 / Frances Hodgson Burnett ; introduced by Adeline Yen Mah ; illustrations by Margery Gill / Puffin
Middle school, the worst years of my life Middle school, the worst years of my life 2011 / James Patterson ; Chris Tebbetts ; illustrated by Laura Park / Little, Brown and Company
Escape to Australia! Escape to Australia! 2017 / by James Patterson, Chris Tebbetts; illustrated by Laura Park / Young Arrow
주홍색 연구 주홍색 연구 2002 / 아서 코난 도일 지음 ; 리하르트 거트슈미트 삽화 ; 백영미 옮김 / 황금가지

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

만년 만년 2021 / 지음: 다자이 오사무; 옮김: 유숙자 / 민음사
나쁜 물고기를 조심해!. 10 나쁜 물고기를 조심해!. 10 2006 / 쉐리단 케인 글, 티나 린치 그림, 유혜자 옮김 / 여원미디어
내가 다섯 살 때는. 11 내가 다섯 살 때는. 11 2005 / 아서 하워드 글.그림, 박진재 옮김 / 킨더랜드
내 짝꿍 라일 내 짝꿍 라일 2013 / 정향숙 글 ; 김정혜 그림 / 한국차일드아카데미
세계의 그림책(Ⅱ). 1-60 세계의 그림책(Ⅱ). 1-60 2001 / 편집부 ; , / 아가월드
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세자매 : 진실한 생활의 중요성 세자매 : 진실한 생활의 중요성 2003 / 나이테 엮음;유승옥 그림 / 한국삐아제
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저예요, 저! 저예요, 저! 2019 / 츠다 나오미 글·그림; 바움 번역 / 푸름이닷컴
효녀 심청 효녀 심청 2003 / 박민호 글 ; 장은주 그림 / 삼성출판사
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주요 키워드


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