
전체도서관 소장정보

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자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(A)new global partnership : eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development (A)new global partnership : eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development 2013 / [United Nations] / United Nations
Global monitoring report 2015/2016 Global monitoring report 2015/2016 2016 / World Bank Group / World Bank
External trade bulletin of the arab region : twenty first issue External trade bulletin of the arab region : twenty first issue 2013 / United Nations / United Nations
International merchandise trade statistics  :  Concepts and definitions 2010 International merchandise trade statistics : Concepts and definitions 2010 2011 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International recommendations for distributive trade statistics 2008 International recommendations for distributive trade statistics 2008 2009 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
Manual on statistics of international trade in services 2010 (MSITS 2010) Manual on statistics of international trade in services 2010 (MSITS 2010) 2012 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
National Accounts Statistics :, Analysis of main aggregates 2007 National Accounts Statistics :, Analysis of main aggregates 2007 2009 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
UNCITIRAL 2012 Digest of Case Law on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration UNCITIRAL 2012 Digest of Case Law on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 2012 / United Nations CITRAL / United Nations publication
International trade statistics 2013 International trade statistics 2013 2013 / [World Trade Organization] / World Trade Organization
International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2006 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2006. International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2006 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2006. 2008 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2006 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2006. International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2006 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2006. 2008 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2007. 1 International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2007. 1 2009 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007. v.2 : Trade by commodity commerce per produit International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007. v.2 : Trade by commodity commerce per produit 2009 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International trade statistics yearbook 2010. v.2  :  Trade by commodity International trade statistics yearbook 2010. v.2 : Trade by commodity 2012 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International merchandise trade statistics : Compilers Manual International merchandise trade statistics : Compilers Manual 2008 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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무역의 세계사 : 인류 첫 거래부터 무역전쟁까지, 찬란한 거래의 역사 무역의 세계사 : 인류 첫 거래부터 무역전쟁까지, 찬란한 거래의 역사 2019 / 지음: 윌리엄 번스타인 지음 ; 옮김: 박홍경 / 라이팅하우스
유튜브 쫌 아는 10대 : [이북 E-book] 즐기는 사용자 + 의로운 감시자 되기 유튜브 쫌 아는 10대 : [이북 E-book] 즐기는 사용자 + 의로운 감시자 되기 2020 / 글: 금준경 ; 그림: 하루치 / 풀빛
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