
전체도서관 소장정보

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책소개책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

한국인이 즐겨 온 놀이와 스포츠를 엮어 만든 <Korean Games and Sports>는 단순히 사실을 전달하는 설명서이기보다는 독자가 쉽게 읽고, 설명에 따라 직접 체험해 볼 수 있는 문화 가이드로서 기획되었다. 한국 문화에 익숙하지 않은 외국인도 쉽게 이해하고 즐길 수 있도록 한국에서 가장 많이 사랑을 받아 온 놀이와 스포츠를 중심으로 내용을 구성하였다.

목차책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표


Part 1 Games of Old
Part 2 Board and Card Games
Part 3 Martial Arts and Sports


서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(The) man of all talents: the extraordinary life of Douglas Clark (The) man of all talents: the extraordinary life of Douglas Clark 2020 / Steven Bell / Pitch Publishing
(The)inner game of tennis : the ultimate guide to the mental side of peak performance (The)inner game of tennis : the ultimate guide to the mental side of peak performance 2024 / W. Timothy Gallwey / Pan Books
Baseball's power shift : how the players union, the fans, and the media changed American sports culture Baseball's power shift : how the players union, the fans, and the media changed American sports culture 2016 / Sparrow R. Jones / UNP - Nebraska
When the alphabet comes: a life changed by exposure When the alphabet comes: a life changed by exposure 2020 / Jerome Allen / NUBLE+ARCH, LLC
42 : a biography of Jack 42 : a biography of Jack "Jackie" Robinson 2012 / by Frank Foster / BookCaps study guide
(The)closer : my story (The)closer : my story 2014 / Mariano Rivera, Wayne Coffey / Little, Brown and Company
(A)Life well played : stories and wisdom from on and off the golf course (A)Life well played : stories and wisdom from on and off the golf course 2016 / Arnold Palmer / St. Martin's Press
Korean Games & Sports : Modern and Traditional Korean Games & Sports : Modern and Traditional 2011 / by Karl Randall / Hollym
Cassius X: the transformation of Muhammad Ali Cassius X: the transformation of Muhammad Ali 2020 / Stuart Cosgrove / Lawrence Hill Books
Ali : an American champion Ali : an American champion 2017 / Barry Denenberg / Simon & Schuster Books for Young Reaers
(The)Eighty-dollar champion : Snowman, the horse that inspired a nation (The)Eighty-dollar champion : Snowman, the horse that inspired a nation 2012 / Elizabeth Letts / Ballantine Books Trade Paperbacks
Long range shooting handbook Long range shooting handbook 2016 / Ryan M. Cleckner / North Shadow Press
Mountain biking the Washington D.C./Baltimore : an atlas of Northern Virginia, Maryland, and DC's greatest off-road bicycle rides Mountain biking the Washington D.C./Baltimore : an atlas of Northern Virginia, Maryland, and DC's greatest off-road bicycle rides 2015 / Martín Fernández, Scott Adams / Falcon Guides
(The) world's best national parks in 500 walks: hiking routes and rambles through nature's most enticing environments (The) world's best national parks in 500 walks: hiking routes and rambles through nature's most enticing environments 2022 / Mary Caperton Morton / Thunder Bay Press
Ogden on fly tying Ogden on fly tying 2017 / by James Ogden / CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

중국어 표현 핵심 사전 : 현지인과 기죽지 않고 대화하는 중국어 표현 핵심 사전 : 현지인과 기죽지 않고 대화하는 2015 / 김련란 엮음 ; 윤원대 한글발음과 성조표기 / 예가
(외국인을 위한)한국어 읽기  = Exploring korean  : 중급-고급 (외국인을 위한)한국어 읽기 = Exploring korean : 중급-고급 2008 / 편저자: 경희대학교 평생교육원 / 민중서림
Korean Journeys : heartland of culture and history Korean Journeys : heartland of culture and history 2010 / Korea Foundation / Korea Foundation
Here comes the Easter cat Here comes the Easter cat 2014 / by: Deborah Underwood ; pictures by: Claudia Rueda / Dial Books for Young Readers
Meanwhile, in San Francisco : the city in its own words Meanwhile, in San Francisco : the city in its own words 2014 / by: Wendy MacNaughton / Chronicle Books
Acts and Scenes : Western drama in Korean theater Acts and Scenes : Western drama in Korean theater 2013 / by: Kim Miy He ; [translated by Hwang Eunhee, Kim Eun-young] / Hollym
Choreographers in Motion : retrospective and perspectives Choreographers in Motion : retrospective and perspectives 2013 / by: Chung Eui-sook ; translated by: Kwon-Lee Eunjung, Yang Sung-ae, Koh Hyojin / Hollym
Korean Phrase Book for Travelers Korean Phrase Book for Travelers 2012 / by Kim Jung-sup ; Cho Hyun-yong ; Lee Jung-hee / Hollym
Out and about in D.C.! Out and about in D.C.! 2007 / by Janine Scott / WorldCom

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