
전체도서관 소장정보

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자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2006 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2006. International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2006 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2006. 2008 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2007. 1 International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007 = Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International 2007. 1 2009 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007. v.2 : Trade by commodity commerce per produit International Trade Statistics Yearbook 2007. v.2 : Trade by commodity commerce per produit 2009 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International trade statistics yearbook 2010. v.2  :  Trade by commodity International trade statistics yearbook 2010. v.2 : Trade by commodity 2012 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
International merchandise trade statistics : Compilers Manual International merchandise trade statistics : Compilers Manual 2008 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
Caribbean community (CARICOM) export potential to the European Union: voluntary sustainability standards (VSS): feasibility study Caribbean community (CARICOM) export potential to the European Union: voluntary sustainability standards (VSS): feasibility study 2021 / United nations / United Nations
ICT, Climate change and green growth : A learning resource on ICT for development for institutions of higher education. 4 ICT, Climate change and green growth : A learning resource on ICT for development for institutions of higher education. 4 2011 / Asian Disaster Preparedness Center / United Nations APCICT/ESCAP
United Naitons model double taxation convention between developed and developing countries United Naitons model double taxation convention between developed and developing countries 2011 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
Asia-pacific development journal Asia-pacific development journal 2014 / United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific / United Nations Publication
Analysing and Measuring Social Inclusion in a Global Context Analysing and Measuring Social Inclusion in a Global Context 2010 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
Understanding Knowledge Societies : In twenty questions and answers with the Index of Konwledge Societies Understanding Knowledge Societies : In twenty questions and answers with the Index of Konwledge Societies 2007 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
Understanding Knowledge Societies : In twenty questions and answers with the Index of Konwledge Societies Understanding Knowledge Societies : In twenty questions and answers with the Index of Konwledge Societies 2007 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
Men in families  :  And family policy in a changing world Men in families : And family policy in a changing world 2011 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nation
Rethinking Poverty : Report on the World Social Situation 2010 Rethinking Poverty : Report on the World Social Situation 2010 2010 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations
World Survey on the Role of Women in Development 2009 : Women's Control over Economic Resources and Access to Financial Resources, including Microfinance World Survey on the Role of Women in Development 2009 : Women's Control over Economic Resources and Access to Financial Resources, including Microfinance 2009 / Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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