
  • Seed to plant
  • Seed to plant

    발행연도 - 2023 / Gail Gibbons / Holiday House
    • 도서관 청라호수도서관
    • 자료실 [청라호수]다국어
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 HW0000003496
    • ISBN 9780823454440
    • 형태 [24] p. 14 x 15 cm
    • 한국십진분류 자연과학 > 식물학 > 일반 식물학
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

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자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(Usborne) 24 hours in the jungle (Usborne) 24 hours in the jungle 2024 / Lan Cook ; illustrated by Stacey Thomas ; designed by Tom Ashton-Booth / Usborne
(Usborne)ecology for beginners (Usborne)ecology for beginners 2023 / written by Andy Prentice , Lan Cook ; illustrated by Anton Hallmann / Usborne
(The) universe in you : a microscopic journey (The) universe in you : a microscopic journey 2022 / Jason Chin / Neal Porter Books
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Evolution : join us on an exhilarating journey from the origins of life to the present day! Evolution : join us on an exhilarating journey from the origins of life to the present day! 2023 / written by real-life scientists Sarah Darwin , Eva-Maria Sadowski ; illustrated by Olga Baumert / What on Earth Books
How the Borks became How the Borks became 2018 / words by Jonathan Emmett ; pictures by Elys Dolan. / Otter-Barry Books
From a tiny seed to a mighty tree : how plants grow From a tiny seed to a mighty tree : how plants grow 2016 / by Ruth Owen / Ruby Tuesday Books
Seed to plant Seed to plant 2023 / Gail Gibbons / Holiday House
We are branches We are branches 2023 / words by Joyce Sidman ; pictures by Beth Krommes / Clarion Books
If I were a fungus If I were a fungus 2024 / Gaia Stella ; translated by Nanette McGuinness / Millbrook Press
(The) gentle genius of trees (The) gentle genius of trees 2021 / Philip Bunting / Crown Books for Young Readers
Animals of land, sea, and air Animals of land, sea, and air 2022 / by Stéphbanie Babin ; illustrated by Marlon Billet...[et al.] ; English translation by Wendeline A. Hardenberg / Twirl
Jazzy in the Jungle Jazzy in the Jungle 2013 / Lucy Cousins / Candlewick
(The) zoological times (The) zoological times 2018 / written by Stella Gurney; illustrated by Matthew Hodson / Lincoln Children's Books
(The) oceanic times (The) oceanic times 2018 / written by Stella Gurney; illustrated by Matthew Hodson / Frances Lincoln Children's Books

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Uh-oh, Rollo! Uh-oh, Rollo! 2020 / by Reed Duncan; illustrated by Keith Frawley / Penguin Workshop;
Many moons Many moons 2017 / by Remi Courgeon ; translated by Marion Serre / Walter Foster
점점이  점점이 2023 / 지음: 오호호 / 코이북스
칙칙팥팥  칙칙팥팥 2023 / 글: 콩양신쨔오 ; 그림: 구미 ; 옮김: 남은숙 / 키위북스
Where's Rollo? Where's Rollo? 2020 / by Reed Duncan ; illustrated by Keith Frawley / Penguin Workshop ;
Ducks run amok! Ducks run amok! 2021 / by J.E. Morris / Penguin Workshop
Dino-zombies! Dino-zombies! 2021 / by Rick Chrustowski / Penguin Workshop
(The) Me Tree (The) Me Tree 2021 / by Ashley Belote / Penguin Workshop
Rollo's many coats Rollo's many coats 2020 / by Reed Duncan; illustrated by Keith Frawley / Penguin Workshop
(The)carrot seed (The)carrot seed 2006 / by Ruth Krauss ; illustrater by Crockett Johnson / JYbooks
Our planet! there's no place like earth Our planet! there's no place like earth 2022 / by: Stacy McAnulty; illustrated by: David Litchfield / Henry Holt and Company
Mr Wolf's week Mr Wolf's week 2004 / Written and Illustrated by Colin Hawkins / JY books
That's not Santa! That's not Santa! 1994 / by: Leonard Kessler / Scholastic

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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식물혁명 = Plant revolution  식물혁명 = Plant revolution 2019 / 지음: 스테파노 만쿠소 ; 옮김: 김현주 / 동아엠앤비
나무 탐독 나무 탐독 2015 / 박상진 지음 / 샘터사
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다시, 나무를 보다 다시, 나무를 보다 2016 / 신준환 지음 / 알에이치코리아
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식물의 이름이 알려주는 것 식물의 이름이 알려주는 것 2020 / 지음: 정수진 / Edit:
극한 식물의 세계 : 끝내 진화하여 살아남고 마는 식물 이야기 극한 식물의 세계 : 끝내 진화하여 살아남고 마는 식물 이야기 2022 / [공]지음: 김진옥 ; 소지현 / 다른
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도시 식물 탐험대 도시 식물 탐험대 2022 / 지음: 손연주, 박민지, 안현지 / 주니어RHK:

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