
  • My journey to the stars

    발행연도 - 2019 / by Astronaut Scott Kelly with Emily Easton; illustrated by André Ceolin / Random House Childrens Books
    • 도서관 청라호수도서관
    • 자료실 [청라호수]다국어
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 HW0000002010
    • ISBN 9781524763800
    • 형태 48 p. 23 cm
    • 한국십진분류 언어 > 영어 > 독본, 해석, 회화
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Friends are the best! Friends are the best! 2022 / adapted by Natasha Bouchard ; illustrated by the Disney Storybook Art Team / Random House
I am brave : a positive power story I am brave : a positive power story 2018 / by Suzy Capozzi ; illustrated by Eren Unten / Random House
I am kind : a positive power story I am kind : a positive power story 2017 / by Suzy Capozzi ; illustrated by Eren Unten / Random House
Monster parade Monster parade 2009 / by Shana Corey ; illustrated by Will Terry. / Random House
(A)Dollar for Penny : a math reader (A)Dollar for Penny : a math reader 2003 / by Dr. Julie Glass ; ill. by Joy Allen. / Random House
(A)Monster is coming! (A)Monster is coming! 2011 / by David L. Harrison ; illustrated by Hans Wilhelm. / Random house
(The)Incredible Dash (The)Incredible Dash 2011 / by Dennis Rocket Shealy / random house
My journey to the stars My journey to the stars 2019 / by Astronaut Scott Kelly with Emily Easton; illustrated by André Ceolin / Random House Childrens Books
Truth or lie : sharks! Truth or lie : sharks! 2019 / by Erica S. Perl ; illustration by Michael Slack / Random House
One fancy day One fancy day 2023 / by Elle Stephens ; based on the teleplay "My Fair Nobby" by Andrew Goodman ; illustrated by Dave Aikins / Random House
Space mission! Space mission! 2023 / by Courtney Carbone ; based on the teleplay by Jeff D'Elia ; illustrated by Erik Doescher / Random House
My first day of school My first day of school 2019 / by Alyssa Satin Capucilli; photographs by Jill Wachter / Simon Spotlight
My first puppy My first puppy 2019 / by Alyssa Satin Capucilli; photographs by Jill Wachter / Simon Spotlight
Gulp, gobble Gulp, gobble 2019 / by Marilyn Singer; illustrated by Kathryn Durst / Simon Spotlight
Knight owls Knight owls 2019 / by Eric Seltzer; illustrated by Tom Disbury / Simon Spotlight

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Village in the snow Village in the snow 2011 / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
(The)adventure park (The)adventure park 2011 / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
Green island Green island 2011 / written by Roderick Hunt ; illustrated by Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
(The)witch who was afraid of witches (The)witch who was afraid of witches 1999 / by Alice Low, pictures by Jane Manning / Harper Trophy
Truth or lie : sharks! Truth or lie : sharks! 2019 / by Erica S. Perl ; illustration by Michael Slack / Random House
(The Incredibles) The Incredible dash (The Incredibles) The Incredible dash 2011 / adapted by Dennis "Rocket" Shealy ; Illustrated by the Disney storybook artists / TWOPONDS
It's Thanksgiving! It's Thanksgiving! 2007 / by Jack Prelutsky; pictures by Marilyn Hafner / HarperCollins
It's snowing! It's snowing!: winter poems It's snowing! It's snowing!: winter poems 2006 / by Jack Prelutsky; pictures by Yossi Abolafia / HarperCollins
My parents think I'm sleeping My parents think I'm sleeping 2007 / poems by Jack Prelutsky; pictures by Yossi Abolafia / HarperCollins
(Roscoe Riley)Rules. 1, Never glue your friends to chairs (Roscoe Riley)Rules. 1, Never glue your friends to chairs 2016 / by Katherine Applegate ; illustrated by Brian Biggs. / Harper
Louise and the class pet Louise and the class pet 2018 / story by Laura Driscoll ; pictures by Kelly Light / Balzer & Bray
The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gary Bridge The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gary Bridge 1997 / Hildegarde H. Swift, Lynd Ward [with by] / reading rainbow
Where the buffalo roam : bison in America Where the buffalo roam : bison in America 2017 / by: Kate Waters / Penguin Young Readers

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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사용빈도 1억 영어회화 표현 사용빈도 1억 영어회화 표현 2017 / 마스터유진 지음 / 사람in
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도라와 친구들: [DVD]: 전체 관람가 1-10 도라와 친구들: [DVD]: 전체 관람가 1-10 2022 / 편집: 스크린에듀케이션 / 스크린에듀케이션 [제작]
빨모쌤의 라이브 영어회화  : 맥락과 뉘앙스가 살아나는 진짜 영어 말하기 수업  빨모쌤의 라이브 영어회화 : 맥락과 뉘앙스가 살아나는 진짜 영어 말하기 수업 2024 / 지음: 빨간모자쌤 신용하 / 웅진지식하우스
뉴 맥스 앤 루비 1집. 1-7 전체관람가 뉴 맥스 앤 루비 1집. 1-7 전체관람가 2019 / 제작: 엠앤브이 / 엠앤브이 [제작]
사용빈도 1억 영어실수 백신 : [전자책]  : 영어강사, 통번역가도 충격받은 소장가치 1억 영어실수 컬렉션 사용빈도 1억 영어실수 백신 : [전자책] : 영어강사, 통번역가도 충격받은 소장가치 1억 영어실수 컬렉션 2017 / 지음: 마스터유진 / 사람in
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네이티브는 쉬운 영어로 말한다 : Disney 1000 문장 편. [2], 0501~1000문장 네이티브는 쉬운 영어로 말한다 : Disney 1000 문장 편. [2], 0501~1000문장 2020 / 지음: 박용호(라이언 박) / 길벗이지톡
(야나두)영어회화 : 느낌동사만 알면 야, 너두 할 수 있어! (야나두)영어회화 : 느낌동사만 알면 야, 너두 할 수 있어! 2019 / 지음: 원예나 / 라곰
페파피그. 시즌 3-4 : [DVD] : 전체 관람가 페파피그. 시즌 3-4 : [DVD] : 전체 관람가 2020 / 키드코리아 제작 / 키드코리아
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세계 역사 이야기 영어리딩훈련. 1, 현대1 세계 역사 이야기 영어리딩훈련. 1, 현대1 2015 / 수잔 와이즈 바우어, 지소철, 심금숙 [공]지음 / 윌북
여행영어 100일의 기적 여행영어 100일의 기적 2018 / 지음: 문성현 / 넥서스

주요 키워드


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