
  • How to start first grade

    발행연도 - 2020 / by Cathy Hapka and Ellen Titlebaum; illustrated by Debbie Palen / Random House
    • 도서관 청라국제도서관
    • 자료실 [청라국제]다국어코너
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 CW0000007378
    • ISBN 9781524715540
    • 형태 32 p. 23 cm
    • 한국십진분류 언어 > 영어 > 독본, 해석, 회화
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Beef Stew Beef Stew 2005 / by Barbara Brenner , illustrated by Catherine Siracusa / Random House
Barbie Mariposa & the fairy princess: fairy dreams Barbie Mariposa & the fairy princess: fairy dreams 2011 / adapted by Mary Man-Kong; based on the screenplay by Elise Allen; illustrated by Ulkutay Design Group / Random House
Bones Bones 2005 / by Stephen Krensky , illustrated by Davy Jones / Random House
Little Critter Sleeps Over Little Critter Sleeps Over 2010 / by Mercer Mayer / Random House
Barbie : I can be a ballerina Barbie : I can be a ballerina 2011 / by Christy Webster ; illustrated by Kellee Riley / Random House :
How to start first grade How to start first grade 2020 / by Cathy Hapka and Ellen Titlebaum; illustrated by Debbie Palen / Random House
Tigerbot saves the day! Tigerbot saves the day! 2019 / adapted by Kristen L. Depken; illustrated by Donald Cassity / Random House
How to start first grade How to start first grade 2020 / by Cathy Hapka and Ellen Titlebaum; illustrated by Debbie Palen / Random House
Little Critter goes to school Little Critter goes to school 2020 / by Mercer Mayer / Random House
Little Critter goes to school Little Critter goes to school 2020 / by Mercer Mayer / Random House
Uni goes to school Uni goes to school 2020 / [by] Amy Krouse Rosenthal; pictures based on art by Brigette Barrager; [illustrations by Lissy Marlin] / Random House
Uni goes to school Uni goes to school 2020 / [by] Amy Krouse Rosenthal; pictures based on art by Brigette Barrager; [illustrations by Lissy Marlin] / Random House
Susan B. Anthony: her fight for equal rights Susan B. Anthony: her fight for equal rights 2020 / by Monica Kulling; illustrated by Maike Plenzke / Random House
Moana's new friend Moana's new friend 2019 / adapted by Jennifer Liberts; illustrated by the Disney Storybook Art Team / Random House
(The) haunted cave (The) haunted cave 2019 / by Christy Webster; based on the teleplay "The mystery of the haunted cave" by Scott Kraft; illustrated by Dave Aikins / Random House Childrens Books

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Big max Big max 2005 / by Kin Platt ; illustrated by Robert Lopshire / Harper Trophy
(The)horse in Harry's room (The)horse in Harry's room 2001 / story and pictures by Syd Hoff / Harper Trophy
Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur! Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur! 1995 / story and pictures by: Syd Hoff / HarperCollins
(Rapunzel) Kingdom of color (Rapunzel) Kingdom of color 2011 / by Melissa Lagonegro ; illustrated by Jean-Paul Orpinas ; Elena Naggi ; Studio IBOIX / Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Princess Kitty Princess Kitty 2017 / by Steve Metzger ; illustrated by Ella K Okstad / Harper
(The)fat cat sat on the mat (The)fat cat sat on the mat 1996 / written and illustrated by Nurit Karlin / Harper Trophy
How to start kindergarten How to start kindergarten 2018 / by: Cathy Hapka and Ellen Titlebaum; illustrated by: Debbie Palen / Random House
Little Critter Sleeps Over Little Critter Sleeps Over 2010 / by Mercer Mayer / Random House
(The)Sataue of liberty (The)Sataue of liberty 2002 / by Lucille Recht Penner ; Illustrated by Jada Rowland / Random House
Wild dogs and canines! Wild dogs and canines! 2020 / by Martin Kratt and Chris Kratt / Random House

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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사용빈도 1억 영어회화 표현 사용빈도 1억 영어회화 표현 2017 / 마스터유진 지음 / 사람in
근데, 영화 한 편 씹어먹어 봤니? 근데, 영화 한 편 씹어먹어 봤니? 2017 / 지음: 신왕국 / 다산4.0
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사용빈도 1억 영어실수 백신 : [전자책]  : 영어강사, 통번역가도 충격받은 소장가치 1억 영어실수 컬렉션 사용빈도 1억 영어실수 백신 : [전자책] : 영어강사, 통번역가도 충격받은 소장가치 1억 영어실수 컬렉션 2017 / 지음: 마스터유진 / 사람in
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네이티브는 쉬운 영어로 말한다 : Disney 1000 문장 편. [2], 0501~1000문장 네이티브는 쉬운 영어로 말한다 : Disney 1000 문장 편. [2], 0501~1000문장 2020 / 지음: 박용호(라이언 박) / 길벗이지톡
(야나두)영어회화 : 느낌동사만 알면 야, 너두 할 수 있어! (야나두)영어회화 : 느낌동사만 알면 야, 너두 할 수 있어! 2019 / 지음: 원예나 / 라곰
페파피그. 시즌 3-4 : [DVD] : 전체 관람가 페파피그. 시즌 3-4 : [DVD] : 전체 관람가 2020 / 키드코리아 제작 / 키드코리아
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밥더빌더 2집. 10, Muck's stinky trip: [DVD]: 전체관람가 밥더빌더 2집. 10, Muck's stinky trip: [DVD]: 전체관람가 2019 / 엠앤브이 [제작] / 엠앤브이
내 친구 아서 : [DVD]. 3집-10, Prunella's special edition 프루넬라의 특별한 책 내 친구 아서 : [DVD]. 3집-10, Prunella's special edition 프루넬라의 특별한 책 2015 / 스크린에듀케이션 [제작] / 스크린에듀케이션 [제작]
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