Yeongjong Sky Library


  1. Location: 132, Haneuljungang-ro (Jungsan-dong), Jung-gu, Incheon, 22377
  2. Area: Total floor area: 2,619.38㎡ | 2 floors above ground
  3. Building Structure: Reinforced concrete structure

Floor Plan

  1. 1F: Children’s Resource Room, After-School Assistance Center, Office, Seminar Room-1, Seminar Room-2, Lounge, Electrical Room, Machine Room
  2. Yeongjong Sky Library 1F
  3. 2F: General Resource Room, Utility Room, Periodicals Room, Server Room, PC & Laptop Station, Reading Seats
  4. Yeongjong Sky Library 2F
Service Information
Level Unit Service Area(㎡) Remark
Total 2,619.38
1F Electrical Room Electrical services 35.84
Recycling Room Waste sorting and recycling 20.16
Shower Room Personal hygiene care 16.80
Machine Room Machine operations 96.00
Book Depository Book storage and archive 78.72
Office Office services (Director’s office, Office pantry, Emergency control room) 162.64
Children’s Resource Room Bookshelves and Reading Room Materials and resources for school children 183.86
Preschoolers’ Room Materials and resources for preschoolers 38.53
Public Space-1 Hallways, etc. 198.81
Information Desk Information service for Children’s Resource Room 22.16
Lactation Room Breastfeeding 16.47
Public Space-2 Elevators (General use) 12.75
Seminar Room Seminar Room-1 Cultural events, special classes, and rental services 79.11
Seminar Room-2 Cultural events, special classes, and rental services 42.87
Annex Room Supplies storage and break room 26.41
Public Space-3 Storage and hallways, etc. 76.45
Lounge Break room 118.14
Subtotal 1,225.72
2F General Resource Room Books and digital contents 1,172.44
Utility Room Resource maintenance and supplies storage 42.92
Reference and Periodicals Room Periodicals and reference materials 42.83
Server Room Network systems, including sever 15.99
Public Space Hallways, etc. 119.48
Subtotal 1,393.66