Cheongna Lake Library


  1. Location: 59, Crystal-ro, (Cheongna-dong), Seo-gu, Incheon, 22759

Floor Plan

  1. B1: Machine Room, Electrical Room, Emergency Control Room
  2. 1F: Children’s Resource Room, Seminar Room-1, Lounge, Book Café, Maintenance Office
  3. 2F: Resource Room, Seminar Room-2, Book Depository, Lounge, Multi-purpose Auditorium
  4. 3F: Digital, Reference and Periodicals Room, Conference Room-1 &2, Director’s Office, Administration Office
Floor Plan
Level Unit Service Remark Area(㎡)
Total 3 Resource rooms with 199 seats 4,402
B1 Machine and Electrical Room Machines and electrical systems 523.46
MDF/Emergency Control Room Emergency preparedness and response
Water Tank Fire protection and backup water supply
1F Gallery and Lounge Exhibition and visitor’s lounge 22 seats 1,221.25
Maintenance Office Administrative office and staff break room
Book Café Operated by Incheon Seo-gu Self-sufficiency Promotion Center 36 seats
Seminar Room-1 Cultural events, special classes, and rental services 40 seats
Children’s Resource Room Exclusive access for preschoolers and elementary school students 29 seats
Fringe Stage Small-scale performances and children learning programs 80 seats
2F Resource Room General Works (000) - History (900) 50 seats 1,549.27
Utility Room Resource maintenance and supplies storage
Book Depository Book storage and archive
Seminar Room-2 Lifelong learning programs and special classes 20 seats
Lounge Relaxation and socialization 45 seats
Auditorium Multi-purpose services 150 seats
3F Office Office services (Director’s office, Office pantry, Emergency control room) 1,108.57
Conference Room 1 & 2 Lifelong learning programs and conference 40 seats
Digital, Reference and Periodicals Room Periodicals, references, digital devices and foreign language materials 111 seats with 10 PCs