
  • Journey around ASIA

    발행연도 - 2013 / by Asia - Pacific centre of education for international understanding under the auspices of UNESCO; stories by Borzou Saryazdi et al.; ill. by Hoo Jung Park et al / Hollym
    • 도서관 미추홀도서관
    • 자료실 [미추홀]어울림터
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 WM0000025492
    • ISBN 9788970947044
    • 형태 160p. 23cm
    • 한국십진분류 사회과학 > 교육학 > 대학, 전문, 고등교육
    • 카테고리분류 외국어 > 영어 > 영어독해/번역/통역

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

책소개책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

EIU Storybook 시리즈. 문화다양성, 평화, 인권, 지속 가능한 발전 등 국제이해교육에서 다루는 여러 주제를 누구나 좀 더 쉽고 친근하게 접할 수 있도록 관련 주제를 다양하고 재미있게 담아낸 영어로 쓰여진 이야기 모음집이다.

목차책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표


01 The Song of the City / Borzou Saryazdi[Iran]
02 The Green Hope / Arul vadivelan Ponnusamy[Malaysia]
03 Friends from Dining Republic / Reno R. Rayel[The Philippines]
04 Flame of Life / Mario Anthony & Nadee Ama Jayasekara[Sri Lanka]
05 Ab Hara’s Dream / Mariyam Nihaz[The Maldives]
06 The Legend of Danjugan / Katrina C. Vinluan[The Philippines]
07 The Lotus Boy / Agnes Lai leng Vong[China]
08 Expect the Unexpected Amri Nazeer[The Maldives]
09 Finding Owl / Don Long[New Zealand]
10 The Cries of the Trees / Aminath Zeeniya[The Maldives]
11 Colour / Zoe Robinson[Australia]
12 The Miracle of the Rat Village / Dohyeon Kim[The Republic of Korea]


서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Let's go visiting Let's go visiting 1998 / Written by Sue Williams ; Illustrated by Julie Vivas / Harcourt
Whose ears? Whose ears? 2023 / [by] Sam Williams ; illustrated by Ekaterina Trukhan / Boxer books
Whose feet? Whose feet? 2023 / [by] Sam Williams ; illustrated by Ekaterina Trukhan / Boxer books
I want to be a bunny I want to be a bunny 2023 / illustrated by Pintachan ; [text written by Katie Woolley] / Oxford University Press
My first day of school My first day of school 2019 / by Alyssa Satin Capucilli ; photographs by Jill Wachter. / Simon Spotlight
It's time for preschool! It's time for preschool! 2012 / Esmé Raji Codell ; illustrated by Sue Ramá / Greenwillow Books
Food rhymes Food rhymes 1998 / compiled by John Foster ; illustrated by Carol Thompson / Oxford University Press
Journey around ASIA Journey around ASIA 2013 / by Asia - Pacific centre of education for international understanding under the auspices of UNESCO; stories by Borzou Saryazdi et al.; ill. by Hoo Jung Park et al / Hollym
Food atlas: discover all the delicious foods of the world Food atlas: discover all the delicious foods of the world 2017 / by: Giulia Malerba; illustrations by: Febe Sillani; translator, Sharon Morin / Firefly Books
Who ate what?: a historical guessing game for food lovers Who ate what?: a historical guessing game for food lovers 2023 / by Rachel Levin; illustrated by Natalia Rojas Castro / Phaidon
Welcome to our table: a celebration of what children eat everywhere Welcome to our table: a celebration of what children eat everywhere 2023 / written by Laura Mucha, Ed Smith; illustrated by Harriet Lynas / Nosy Crow
Cyrus Field's big dream Cyrus Field's big dream 2018 / by Mary Morton Cowan / Calkins Creek
(A) Day I remember  : An Indian Wedding (A) Day I remember : An Indian Wedding 2014 / Prodeepta Das / Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Teamwork isn't my thing and I don't like to share! Teamwork isn't my thing and I don't like to share! 2012 / written by Julia Cook ; illustrated by Kelsey De Weerd. / Boys Town Press
Terrific table manners Terrific table manners 2021 / by Michelle Markel; art by Merrilee Liddiard / Cameron kids

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

미국 유학 100문 100답  : 전문 컨설턴트가 말하는 미국 대학 가기 프로젝트 미국 유학 100문 100답 : 전문 컨설턴트가 말하는 미국 대학 가기 프로젝트 2017 / 공저:손재호, 김정아 / 책읽는귀족

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