제1부 Barack Hussein Obama
제1장 Obama's Leadership
1) Economy
2) Energy
3) America's Leadership
4) American Values
제2장 Obama's Peace Building Leadership
1) Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech(October 9, 2008)
2) United Nations General Assemble Speech(September 21, 2011)
제2부 Hillary, Netanyahu, and Obama
제3장 Hillary Clinton
1) Remarks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Before Their Meeting(September 2, 2010)
1) To a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress(May 24, 2011)
제5장 Barack Hussein Obama
1) Remarks by the President on Election Night(November 17, 2012)
2) Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama Our People, Our Future(January 21, 2013)
부록 연설문 전문
부록 1 Obama : Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech(October 9, 2009)
부록 2 Omana : UN General Assembly Speech(September 21, 2011)
부록 3 Hillary : Remarks with Israeli and Palestine Leader(September 2, 2010)
부록 4 Netanyahu : To a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress(May 24, 2011)
부록 5 Obama : Remarks by the President on Election Night(November 7, 2012)
부록 6 Obama : Inaugural Speech(January 21, 2013)