
  • Can i be your dog?

    발행연도 - 2018 / [by]: Troy Cummings / Dragonfly Books
    • 도서관 미추홀도서관
    • 자료실 [미추홀]어울림터
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 WM0000030183
    • ISBN 9780593380062
    • 형태 [32]p. 26x26 cm
    • 한국십진분류 문학 > 영미문학 > 소설
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

I am a little monkey I am a little monkey 1991 / Francois Crozat / Barron's
Luke and Holly join forces Luke and Holly join forces 2015 / by: Nick Croydon, Petra Brown / Hyde Park Editions
Theo at the Park : The little dog who has lost his sense of smell Theo at the Park : The little dog who has lost his sense of smell 2012 / by Jaclyn Crupi; Illustrated by Aurelia Verdoux / Smellessence
Uh-oh! Uh-oh! 2015 / by Shutta Crum ; illustrated by Patrice Barton / Alfred A. Knopf
We are all equal We are all equal 2020 / by: P. Crumble; illustrated by: Jonathan Bentley / Philomel Books
Smoot : a rebellious shadow Smoot : a rebellious shadow 2017 / written by Michelle Cuevas ; illustrated by Sydney Smith / Dial Books for Young Readers
Dear Mr. Washington Dear Mr. Washington 2015 / by:Lynn Cullen ; pictures by: Nancy Carpenter / Dial Books for Young Readers
Can i be your dog? Can i be your dog? 2018 / [by]: Troy Cummings / Dragonfly Books
Giddy-up, daddy! Giddy-up, daddy! 2013 / written and illustrated by Troy Cummings / Random House
I found a kitty! I found a kitty! 2020 / by: Troy Cummings / Random House
Is this your class pet?  Is this your class pet? 2022 / [by] Troy Cummings / Random House Children's Books
My magical words: My magical words: 2020 / written by: Becky Cummings; illustrated by: Zuzana Svobodová / Free Kids Press
(The)notebook of Doom. 1, Rise of the balloon goons (The)notebook of Doom. 1, Rise of the balloon goons 2013 / Troy Cummings / Scholastic Inc.
(The)notebook of Doom. 2, Day of the night crawlers (The)notebook of Doom. 2, Day of the night crawlers 2013 / Troy Cummings / Scholastic Inc.
(The)Notebook of Doom. 3, Attack of the shadow smashers (The)Notebook of Doom. 3, Attack of the shadow smashers 2013 / by: Troy Cummings / Scholastic

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Don't feed the coos Don't feed the coos 2021 / [by] Jonathan Stutzman; illustrated by Heather Fox / Puffin Books
Pretzel and the Puppies Pretzel and the Puppies 2022 / by Margret Rey; illustrated by H. A. Rey / Houghton Mifflin
Summer of the Sea Serpent Summer of the Sea Serpent 2004 / by Mary Pope Osborne, illustrated by Sal Murdocca / Random House
In, over and on! (the farm) In, over and on! (the farm) 2015 / by Ethan Long. / G.P. Putnam
Dogs at work : good dogs. real jobs Dogs at work : good dogs. real jobs 2021 / written by Margaret Cardillo ; illustrated by Zachariah OHora / Balzer + Bray
Does a kangaroo have a mother, too? Does a kangaroo have a mother, too? 2021 / by Eric Carle / HarperCollins;
Knight owl Knight owl 2022 / Christopher Denise / Little, Brown and Company
Big Big 2023 / by Vashti Harrison / Little, Brown and Company
Christmas in Camelot Christmas in Camelot 2009 / by Mary Pope Osborne, illustrated by Sal Murdocca / Random House
(The)dog who cried wolf (The)dog who cried wolf 2005 / by Keiko Kasza / Puffin books
Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve 2003 / by Mary Pope Osborne, illustrated by Sal Murdocca / Random House
Barbie I can be... story collection Barbie I can be... story collection 2013 / concept developed by Mattel by Egmont Creative Center ; adapted by Mary Man-Kong ; illustrated by JiYoung An, Tj Team / Random House
Click! Click! 2016 / a story by Frank W. Dormer / Viking
Fish and crab Fish and crab 2023 / [by] Marianna Coppo / Chronicle Books

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

네 개의 서명. 2, EQ세계추리SF문학 네 개의 서명. 2, EQ세계추리SF문학 2016 / 지음: 한국톨스토이 출판부 / 톨스토이
Mr. Men Mr. Men 2012 / by Roger Hargreaves / Egmont
마법의 시간여행. 53, 카리브 해의 상어 마법의 시간여행. 53, 카리브 해의 상어 2015 / 메리 폽 어즈번 지음 ; 살 머도카 그림 ; 노은정 옮김 / 비룡소
Little Miss Christmas Little Miss Christmas 2005 / written and illustrated by Roger Hargreaves / Egmont
Anne. 사랑스러운 그 이름 : [큰글자도서]. 30 Anne. 사랑스러운 그 이름 : [큰글자도서]. 30 2018 / 지음: 루시 모드 몽고메리 ; 영어 번역: 리처드 프랜시스 버턴 ; [한국어 번역]: 큰글출판부 / 큰글
(그린게이블즈 빨강머리)앤. 1-10 (그린게이블즈 빨강머리)앤. 1-10 2001 / 루시 모드 몽고메리 지음 ; 김유경 옮김 / 동서문화사
해리포터와 죽음의 성물. 제7권Ⅳ 해리포터와 죽음의 성물. 제7권Ⅳ 2010 / 조앤 K. 롤링 지음 ; 최인자 옮김 / 문학수첩
드래곤과의 춤 : 조지 R. R. 마틴 장편소설. 3 드래곤과의 춤 : 조지 R. R. 마틴 장편소설. 3 2013 / 조지 R. R. 마틴 [지음] ; 서계인 옮김 / 은행나무
루벤스 테마동화-영어. 1-20 루벤스 테마동화-영어. 1-20 2001 / Jakki Wood 외 공저 / 키즈라이프
셜록 홈즈 전집. 2, 네 사람의 서명 셜록 홈즈 전집. 2, 네 사람의 서명 2002 / 아서 코난 도일 지음 ; 백영미 엮음 / 황금가지
해리포터 : 불의 잔. 4-4 해리포터 : 불의 잔. 4-4 2014 / J. K. 롤링 지음 ; 김혜원 옮김 / 문학수첩
미드나잇 라이브러리 미드나잇 라이브러리 2021 / 지음: 매트 헤이그; 옮김: 노진선 / 인플루엔셜
Mr. Men a christmas pantomime Mr. Men a christmas pantomime 2012 / original concept by Roger Hargreaves ; written and illustrated by Adam Hargreaves. / Egmont
반지의 제왕. 1-6 반지의 제왕. 1-6 2001 / J.R.R. Tolkien 저 ; 한기찬 옮김 / 황금가지
等待真不容易! 等待真不容易! 2017 / [美]莫·威廉斯 著; 戴永翔 译 / 新星出版

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