
  • Astonishing art

    발행연도 - 2012 / Susan Martineau ; illustrations by Martin Ursell / Windmill Books
    • 도서관 미추홀도서관
    • 자료실 [미추홀]어울림터
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 WM0000021531
    • ISBN 9781615333691
    • 형태 24 p. 29 cm
    • 한국십진분류 예술 > 공예, 장식미술 > 장식예술
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Leonardo da Vinci's remarkable machines : [팝업북] Leonardo da Vinci's remarkable machines : [팝업북] 2016 / David Hawcock ; illustrated by Lee Montgomery / Silver Dolphin Books
Ancestory  : the mystery and majesty of ancient cave art  Ancestory : the mystery and majesty of ancient cave art 2023 / [by] Hannah Salyer / Clarion Books
Home construction Home construction 2024 / by Anne Blanchard ; illustrated by Didier Balicevic / Twirl
(The picture history of)great buildings (The picture history of)great buildings 2007 / [by] Gillian Clements / Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Castle : how it works Castle : how it works 2015 / by: David Macaulay ; Sheila Keenan / David Macaulay Studio
She's on the money She's on the money 2021 / by Andrea Hall; illustrated by Li Zhang / Albert Whitman & Company
I Am Not An Old Sock: awesome things to make with old I Am Not An Old Sock: awesome things to make with old 2018 / by Sara Stanford / Carlton Books Ltd
Astonishing art Astonishing art 2012 / Susan Martineau ; illustrations by Martin Ursell / Windmill Books
Museum shapes Museum shapes 2005 / by The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Little, Brown & Company
Look! zoom in on art! Look! zoom in on art! 2002 / [by] Gillian Wolfe / Frances Lincoln
(A)Splash of Red : the life and art of Horace Pippin (A)Splash of Red : the life and art of Horace Pippin 2013 / written by: Jen Bryant ; illustrated by: Melissa Sweet / Alfred A. Knopf
Roy's house Roy's house 2016 / by Susan Goldman Rubin; art by Roy Lichtenstein / Chronicle Books LLC
(The) noisy paint box : (The) colors and sounds of kandinsky's abstract art (The) noisy paint box : (The) colors and sounds of kandinsky's abstract art 2014 / by Barb Rosenstock ; illustrated by Mary GrandPre / Alfred A. Knopf
And I paint it: Henriette Wyeth's world And I paint it: Henriette Wyeth's world 2021 / by Beth Kephart; illustrated by Amy June Bates / Cameron Kids
I can draw wild animals I can draw wild animals 2001 / by Toby Reynolds ; illustrated by Grace Sanford / Gareth Stevens Pub.

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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조선시대 청백리열전 조선시대 청백리열전 2013 / 최한섭, 최수일, 최재윤 [공]지음 / 한올
Atlas of dinosaur adventures Atlas of dinosaur adventures 2017 / written by Emily Hawkins ; illustrated by Lucy Letherland / Wide Eyed Editions
조선이 버린 왕비들  : 11명의 조선 폐비들을 만나다 조선이 버린 왕비들 : 11명의 조선 폐비들을 만나다 2016 / 지음: 홍미숙 / 문예춘추사

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

취향 = Designer's favorite stuff : 디자이너의 흥미로운 물건들 취향 = Designer's favorite stuff : 디자이너의 흥미로운 물건들 2014 / 지음: 김선미, 장민 / 지식너머
(밀레니얼 세대의 노마드 마켓) 디자인 트렌드 2018 : [이북 E-book] (밀레니얼 세대의 노마드 마켓) 디자인 트렌드 2018 : [이북 E-book] 2017 / 지음: 한국디자인진흥원 / 쌤앤파커스
런던 디자인 산책 런던 디자인 산책 2012 / 김지원 지음 / 나무[수
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여성을 위한 디자인 여성을 위한 디자인 2005 / 이영희 지음 / 이화여자대학교출판부
시각디자인의 구성원리 시각디자인의 구성원리 1998 / 김영호 편 / 태학사
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욕망을 디자인하라 : 디자인은 어떻게 혁신을 창조하는가 욕망을 디자인하라 : 디자인은 어떻게 혁신을 창조하는가 2013 / 정경원 지음 / 청림
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주요 키워드


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