
전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Lives of the Stoics: the art of living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius Lives of the Stoics: the art of living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius 2022 / Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman / Profile Books
(The)everyday stoic : simple rules for a good life (The)everyday stoic : simple rules for a good life 2024 / William Mulligan / Running Press Adult
Meditations Meditations 2017 / Marcus Aurelius ; translated by George Long / CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
(The)Conquest of happiness (The)Conquest of happiness 2013 / by Bertrand Russell / Liveright
Nietzsche and Other Exponents of Individualism Nietzsche and Other Exponents of Individualism 2018 / by Paul Carus / Sagwan Press
Thus Spake Zarathustra : a book for all and none Thus Spake Zarathustra : a book for all and none 2018 / Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche ; based on a translation by Thomas Common / Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
On bernard stiegler : philosopher of friendship On bernard stiegler : philosopher of friendship 2024 / edited by Jean-Luc Nancy ; introduction by Shaj Mohan / Bloomsbury Academic
Giordano Bruno : philosopher and martyr: two addresses Giordano Bruno : philosopher and martyr: two addresses 2018 / by Daniel Garrison Brinton, Thomas Davidson / Sagwan Press
Critical thinking Critical thinking 2016 / Simon Bradley, Nicole Price / CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
On consolation: finding solace in dark times On consolation: finding solace in dark times 2022 / by Michael Ignatieff / Henry Holt and Company
Psych : the story of the human mind Psych : the story of the human mind 2023 / Paul Bloom / Ecco
Suspicious minds : Why we believe conspiracy theories Suspicious minds : Why we believe conspiracy theories 2016 / Rob Brotherton / Bloomsbury Sigma
Moonwalking with Einstein : the art and science of remembering everything Moonwalking with Einstein : the art and science of remembering everything 2011 / by Joshua Foer / Penguin
Psych 101 : Psychology facts, statistics, basics, quizzes, tests, and more! Psych 101 : Psychology facts, statistics, basics, quizzes, tests, and more! 2012 / Paul Kleinman / Adams Media
12 rules for life : an antidote to chaos 12 rules for life : an antidote to chaos 2018 / Jordan B. Peterson ; illustrations by Ethan Van Sciver / Random House Canada

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

행간  : 우리는 왜 비현실적인 것에 주목해야 하는가 행간 : 우리는 왜 비현실적인 것에 주목해야 하는가 2015 / 지음: 조르조 아감벤 ; 옮김: 윤병언 / 자음과모음
디오니소스의 영혼. 2 디오니소스의 영혼. 2 2010 / 마시모 도나 지음 ; 김희정 옮김 / 시그마북스
인간 인간 1996 / Battista Mondin 저 ; 허재윤 역 / 서광사
하이데거와 도가의 철학 하이데거와 도가의 철학 2021 / 윤병렬 지음 / 서광사
피노키오로 철학하기  피노키오로 철학하기 2023 / 지음: 조르조 아감벤 ; 옮김: 박문정 / 효형
비코 자서전 : 지성사의 숨은 거인 비코 자서전 : 지성사의 숨은 거인 2020 / 잠바티스타 비코 지음 ; 조한욱 옮김 / 교유서가 :

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