
  • (The) Lessons of History

    발행연도 - 2010 / by Will Durant ; Ariel Durant / Simon & Schuster
    • 도서관 송도국제도서관
    • 자료실 송도국제기구도서관
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 SL0000011572
    • ISBN 9781439149959
    • 형태 117 p. 21 cm
    • 한국십진분류 역사 >
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

책소개책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

This series of 13 essays on the themes and underlying lessons of history was originally written as part of the authors' 11-volume 'The Story of Civilization' (1935-75). The Durants begin by summarizing periods and trends in history. They examine morals and draw conclusions by looking into changes in economics, politics, and more.Will and Ariel Durant, after spending over fifty years completing the critically acclaimed series The Story of Civilization, were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction in 1968. In 1977, the Durants were presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Champions of human rights and social reform, the Durants continue to educate and entertain readers the world over. For more information on their work, visit www.willdurant.com.A concise survey of the culture and civilization of mankind, The Lessons of History is the result of a lifetime of research from Pulitzer Prizewinning historians Will and Ariel Durant. With their accessible compendium of philosophy and social progress, the Durants take us on a journey through history, exploring the possibilities and limitations of humanity over time. Juxtaposing the great lives, ideas, and accomplishments with cycles of war and conquest, the Durants reveal the towering themes of history and give meaning to our own.A concise survey of the culture and civilization of mankind,The Lessons of Historyis the result of a lifetime of research from Pulitzer Prizewinning historians Will and Ariel Durant. With their accessible compendium of philosophy and social progress, the Durants take us on a journey through history, exploring the possibilities and limitations of humanity over time. Juxtaposing the great lives, ideas, and accomplishments with cycles of war and conquest, the Durants reveal the towering themes of history and give meaning to our own.Available for the first time in paperback, "The Lessons of History" is Will and Ariel Durant's celebrated collection on the themes that define history.Available for the first time in paperback,The Lessons of Historyis Will and Ariel Durant's celebrated collection on the themes that define history.In this illuminating and thoughtful book, Will and Ariel Durant have succeeded in distilling for the reader the accumulated store of knowledge and experience from their five decades of work on the eleven monumental volumes of The Story of Civilization. The result is a survey of human history, full of dazzling insights into the nature of human experience, the evolution of civilization, and the culture of man. With the completion of their life's work, they look back and ask what history has to say about the nature, the conduct and the prospects of man, seeking in the great lives, the great ideas, the great events of the past for the meaning of man's long journey through war, conquest and creation - and for the great themes that can help us to understand our own era.WILL DURANT (1885-1981) was awarded the Pulitzer Prize (1968) and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1977). He spent over fifty years writing his critically acclaimed eleven-volume series, The Story of Civilization (the later volumes written in conjunction with his wife, Ariel). A champion of human rights issues such as the brotherhood of man and social reform long before such issues were popular, Durant, through his writings, continues to educate and entertain readers the world over."The Durants' masterpiece belongs in any home library and occupies a shelf in many." --Dana D. Kelley, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette"The Durants' masterpiece belongs in any home library and occupies a shelf in many."--Dana D. Kelley,Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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