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책소개책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

"Vaclav Smil is my favorite author."?Bill Gates "How the World Really Works represents the highly readable distillation of this lifetime of scholarship… Mr. Smil looks over the horizon of the future with humility and calmness, foreseeing 'a mixture of progress and setbacks, of seemingly insurmountable difficulties and near-miraculous advances.'”?Wall Street JournalAn essential analysis of the modern science and technology that makes our twenty-first century lives possible?a scientist's investigation into what science really does, and does not, accomplish.We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don’t know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future, How the World Really Works offers a much-needed reality check?because before we can tackle problems effectively, we must understand the facts. In this ambitious and thought-provoking book we see, for example, that globalization isn’t inevitable?the foolishness of allowing 70 per cent of the world’s rubber gloves to be made in just one factory became glaringly obvious in 2020?and that our societies have been steadily increasing their dependence on fossil fuels, such that any promises of decarbonization by 2050 are a fairy tale. For example, each greenhouse-grown supermarket-bought tomato has the equivalent of five tablespoons of diesel embedded in its production, and we have no way of producing steel, cement or plastics at required scales without huge carbon emissions. Ultimately, Smil answers the most profound question of our age: are we irrevocably doomed or is a brighter utopia ahead? Compelling, data-rich and revisionist, this wonderfully broad, interdisciplinary guide finds faults with both extremes. Looking at the world through this quantitative lens reveals hidden truths that change the way we see our past, present and uncertain future.

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(The) Trouble with reality  : a rumination on moral panic in our time (The) Trouble with reality : a rumination on moral panic in our time 2017 / by Brooke Gladstone / Workman
How to talk to a science denier : conversations with flat Earthers, climate deniers, and others who defy reason How to talk to a science denier : conversations with flat Earthers, climate deniers, and others who defy reason 2021 / [by] Lee McIntyre / The MIT Press
Co-intelligence  : living and working with AI  Co-intelligence : living and working with AI 2024 / [by] Ethan Mollick / Portfolio :
Weapons of math destruction : how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy Weapons of math destruction : how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy 2017 / by Cathy O'Neil / Penguin Books
Why trust science? Why trust science? 2021 / by Naomi Oreskes / Princeton University Press
How innovation works : and why it flourishes in freedom How innovation works : and why it flourishes in freedom 2020 / by Matt Ridley / Harper
(The) algorithm  : how AI decides who gets hired, monitored, promoted, and fired and why we need to fight back now  (The) algorithm : how AI decides who gets hired, monitored, promoted, and fired and why we need to fight back now 2024 / [by] Hilke Schellmann / Hachette Books
How the world really works: the science behind how we got here and where we're going How the world really works: the science behind how we got here and where we're going 2022 / [by] Vaclav Smil / Viking
(The)coming wave : technology, power, and the twenty-first century's greatest dilemma (The)coming wave : technology, power, and the twenty-first century's greatest dilemma 2023 / by Mustafa Suleyman , Michael Bhaskar / Crown
(The) unequal pandemic : COVID-19 and health inequalities (The) unequal pandemic : COVID-19 and health inequalities 2021 / Claire Bambra, Julia Lynch, Katherine E. Smith / Policy Press
Upheaval : turning points for nations in crisis mass market Upheaval : turning points for nations in crisis mass market 2020 / by Jared Diamond / Hachette Book Group USA
Homo Deus : a brief history of tomorrow Homo Deus : a brief history of tomorrow 2017 / [by] Yuval Noah Harari / Vintage
Ten lessons for a post-pandemic world Ten lessons for a post-pandemic world 2020 / by Fareed Zakaria / Penguin Books
This is the voice This is the voice 2022 / by: John Colapinto / Simon & Schuster
(The)lonely century: how to restore human connection in a world that's pulling apart (The)lonely century: how to restore human connection in a world that's pulling apart 2021 / by Noreena Hertz / Currency

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

대전환 : 세계를 바꾼 다섯 가지의 위대한 서사 : 인구, 식량, 에너지, 경제, 환경은 어떻게 현대 사회를 이루었는가 대전환 : 세계를 바꾼 다섯 가지의 위대한 서사 : 인구, 식량, 에너지, 경제, 환경은 어떻게 현대 사회를 이루었는가 2022 / 바츨라프 스밀 지음 ; 솝희 옮김 / 처음북스
Numbers don't lie : 71 things you need to know about the world Numbers don't lie : 71 things you need to know about the world 2021 / by Vaclav Smil / Penguin Books
Man vs big data  : everyday data explained Man vs big data : everyday data explained 2017 / by Stewart Cowley ; illustrated by Joe Lyward. / Aurum Press
숫자는 어떻게 진실을 말하는가 숫자는 어떻게 진실을 말하는가 2021 / 지음: 바츨라프 스밀 ; 옮김: 강주헌 / 김영사
인벤션  : 발명의 성공과 실패 그리고 미래를 이야기하다! 인벤션 : 발명의 성공과 실패 그리고 미래를 이야기하다! 2023 / 지음: 바츨라프 스밀 ; 옮김: 조남욱 / 처음북스
This is marketing: you can't be seen until you learn to see This is marketing: you can't be seen until you learn to see 2019 / by Seth Godin / Penguin Business
Bittersweet: how sorrow and longing make us whole Bittersweet: how sorrow and longing make us whole 2022 / Susan Cain / Crown
Power hour: how to focus on your goals and create a life you love Power hour: how to focus on your goals and create a life you love 2021 / by: Adrienne Herbert / Penguin Books
Dedicated: the case for commitment in an age of infinite browsing Dedicated: the case for commitment in an age of infinite browsing 2021 / by Pete Davis / Avid Reader Press

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

평화를 찾고 싶다면 평화를 찾고 싶다면 2010 / 글: 진은영; 그림: 김선진 / 웅진다책;웅진씽크빅
명견만리 : 윤리, 기술, 중국, 교육 편 명견만리 : 윤리, 기술, 중국, 교육 편 2017 / KBS〈명견만리〉제작팀 / 인플루엔셜
메타버스 새로운 기회 : [이북 E-book] 디지털 지구, 경제와 투자의 기준이 바뀐다 메타버스 새로운 기회 : [이북 E-book] 디지털 지구, 경제와 투자의 기준이 바뀐다 2021 / 지음: 김상균, 신병호 / 베가북스
초예측 [큰글자책]: 세계 석학 8인에게 인류의 미래를 묻다 초예측 [큰글자책]: 세계 석학 8인에게 인류의 미래를 묻다 2020 / 지음: 유발 하라리, 재레드 다이아몬드, 닉 보스트롬, 린다 그래튼, 다니엘 코엔, 조앤 윌리엄스, 넬 페인터, 윌리엄 페리 ; 엮음: 오노 가즈모토; 옮김: 정현옥 / 웅진지식하우스 :
포노 사피엔스: 스마트폰이 낳은 신인류 포노 사피엔스: 스마트폰이 낳은 신인류 2019 / 지음: 최재붕 / 쌤앤파커스
괴물신입 인공지능 괴물신입 인공지능 2020 / 지음: 이재박 / MID:
조선에서 백수로 살기 : [이북 E-book] 조선에서 백수로 살기 : [이북 E-book] 2018 / 지음: 고미숙 / 프런티어
신의 화살: 작은 바이러스는 어떻게 우리의 모든 것을 바꿨는가 신의 화살: 작은 바이러스는 어떻게 우리의 모든 것을 바꿨는가 2021 / 지음: 니컬러스 A. 크리스타키스 지음; 옮김: 홍한결 / 윌북
컨버전스 2030 : [이북 E-book] : 미래의 부와 기회 컨버전스 2030 : [이북 E-book] : 미래의 부와 기회 2021 / 지음: 피터 디아만디스, 스티븐 코틀러 ; 옮김: 박영준 / 비즈니스북스
명견만리 : 향후 인류에게 가장 중요한 것들을 말하다  : 인구, 경제, 북한, 의료 편 명견만리 : 향후 인류에게 가장 중요한 것들을 말하다 : 인구, 경제, 북한, 의료 편 2016 / KBS <명견만리> 제작팀 지음 / 인플루엔셜
팩트풀니스 팩트풀니스 2019 / 지음: 한스 로슬링, 올라 로슬링, 안나 로슬링 륀룬드, 옮김: 이창신 / 김영사
대변동 : 위기, 선택, 변화 대변동 : 위기, 선택, 변화 2019 / 지음: 재레드 다이아몬드 ; 옮김: 강주헌 / 김영사
사이보그가 되다 : [이북 E-book] 사이보그가 되다 : [이북 E-book] 2021 / 지음: 김초엽, 김원영 / 사계절출판사
에이트= Eight: 인공지능에 대체되지 않는 나를 만드는 법 에이트= Eight: 인공지능에 대체되지 않는 나를 만드는 법 2019 / 이지성 지음 / 차이정원
타인의 해석 타인의 해석 2020 / 말콤 글래드웰 지음; 유강은 옮김; 김경일 / 김영사

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