
  • (The) smallest cow in the world

    발행연도 - 1991 / Katherine Paterson; pictures by Jane Clark Brown / HarperCollins
    • 도서관 청라국제도서관
    • 자료실 [청라국제]다국어코너
    • 부록 부록있음
    • 등록번호 CW0000008656
    • ISBN 9780064441643
    • 형태 64 p. 23 cm
    • 한국십진분류 언어 > 영어 > 독본, 해석, 회화
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(The) Golly sisters go west (The) Golly sisters go west 1985 / by Besty Byars; pictures by Sue Truesdell / HarperCollins
Daniel's duck Daniel's duck 1979 / [by] Clyde Robert Bulla; pictures by Joan Sandin / HarperCollins
George, the drummer boy George, the drummer boy 1987 / by Nathaniel Benchley; pictures by Don Bolognese / HarperCollins
(The) Josefina story quilt (The) Josefina story quilt 1986 / by Eleanor Coerr; pictures by Bruce Degen / HarperCollins
(The) long way to a new land (The) long way to a new land 1981 / by Joan Sandin / HarperCollins
(The) outside dog (The) outside dog 1993 / story by Charlotte Pomerantz; pictures by Jennifer Plecas / HarperCollins
Sam the minuteman Sam the minuteman 1969 / by Nathaniel Benchley; pictures by Arnold Lobel / HarperCollins
(The) smallest cow in the world (The) smallest cow in the world 1991 / Katherine Paterson; pictures by Jane Clark Brown / HarperCollins
Abigall takes the wheel Abigall takes the wheel 2000 / story by Avi; pictures by Don Bolognese / HarperCollins
Billy the ghost and me Billy the ghost and me 1997 / story by Gery Greer, Bob Ruddick; pictures by Roger Roth / HarperCollins
(The) animal rescue club (The) animal rescue club 1998 / story and pictures by John Himmelman / HarperCollins
Finding providence: the story of Roger Williams Finding providence: the story of Roger Williams 1997 / story by Avi; illustrations by James Watling / HarperCollins
First flight: the story of Tom Tate and the Wrught Brothers First flight: the story of Tom Tate and the Wrught Brothers 1997 / story by George Shea; pictures by Don Bolognese / HarperCollins
(The) witch who was afraid of witches (The) witch who was afraid of witches 1999 / story by Alice Low; pictures by Jane Manning / HarperCollins
Dinosaur hunter Dinosaur hunter 2003 / story by Elaine Marie Alphin; pictures by Don Bolognese / HarperCollins

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Minnie and Moo the night of the living bed Minnie and Moo the night of the living bed 2003 / by Denys Cazet / HarperTrophy
It's snowing! It's snowing!: winter poems It's snowing! It's snowing!: winter poems 2006 / by Jack Prelutsky; pictures by Yossi Abolafia / HarperCollins
Minnie and Moo: the case of the missing jelly donut Minnie and Moo: the case of the missing jelly donut 2005 / Denys Cazet / HarperCollins
Minnie and Moo: wanted dead or alive Minnie and Moo: wanted dead or alive 2006 / [by] Denys Cazet / HarperCollins
(The)Big balloon race (The)Big balloon race 1993 / by Eleanor Coerr, illustrated by Carolyn Croll / HarperTrophy
Sam the minuteman Sam the minuteman 1969 / by Nathaniel Benchley; pictures by Arnold Lobel / HarperCollins
Clara and the bookwagon Clara and the bookwagon 1988 / by Nancy Smiler Levinson, Carolyn Croll / HarperTrophy
(The)Outside dog (The)Outside dog 1993 / by Charlotte Pomerantz, pictures by Jennifer Plecas / HarperTrophy
(The) animal rescue club (The) animal rescue club 1998 / story and pictures by John Himmelman / HarperCollins
Emma's yucky brother Emma's yucky brother 2001 / story by Jean Little; pictures by Jennifer Plecas / HarperCollins
(The)drinking gourd : (A)story of the underground railroad (The)drinking gourd : (A)story of the underground railroad 2006 / F.N. Monjo 글 ; Fred Brenner 그림; / HarperTrophy:HarperCollinsPublishers:HarperCollinsPublishers:HarperTrophy
Daniel's duck Daniel's duck 1979 / [by] Clyde Robert Bulla; pictures by Joan Sandin / HarperCollins
Small Wolf Small Wolf 2008 / by Nathaniel Benchley, Illustrated by Joan Sandin / HarperTrophy

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