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    (The)White book

    발행연도 - 2018 / by Han Kang ; transtated from the Korean by Deborah Smith / Portobello
    • 도서관 영종하늘도서관
    • 자료실 [영종하늘]종합자료실
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 YW0000002638
    • ISBN 9781846276958
    • 형태 161 p. 20 cm
    • 한국십진분류 문학 > 한국문학 > 소설
    • 카테고리분류

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

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Korean: phrasebook & dictionary Korean: phrasebook & dictionary 2020 / Rebecca Milner...[et al.] / Lonely Planet Global Limited
Word perfect: etymological entertainment every day Word perfect: etymological entertainment every day 2022 / Susie Dent / John Murray
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(The)White book (The)White book 2018 / by Han Kang ; transtated from the Korean by Deborah Smith / Portobello
Familiar Things Familiar Things 2017 / by Hwang Sok-yong. / Scribe
Shoko's smile: stories Shoko's smile: stories 2021 / Choi Eunyoung; translated by Sung Ryu / Penguin Books
(The)old woman with the knife: a novel (The)old woman with the knife: a novel 2022 / Gu Byeong-Mo; translated by Chi-Young Kim / Hanover Square Press
(The)Good son : A novel (The)Good son : A novel 2018 / by You-jeong Jeong ; Translated by Chi-Young Kim. / Penguin Publishing Group
(The)Vegetarian : a novel (The)Vegetarian : a novel 2015 / by Han Kang, translated from the Korean by Deborah Smith / Granta Books
Diary of a murderer: and other stories Diary of a murderer: and other stories 2020 / KIm Young-ha; translated from the Korean by Krys Lee / Atlantic Books
DallerGut Dream Department Store : the dream you ordered is sold out DallerGut Dream Department Store : the dream you ordered is sold out 2023 / Miye Lee ; translated from the Korean by Sandy Joosun Lee / Wilfire

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

흰  : the elegy of whiteness  : 한강 소설 흰 : the elegy of whiteness : 한강 소설 2016 / 지은이: 한강 / 난다
(The) Vegetarian : (A) Novel (The) Vegetarian : (A) Novel 2015 / by HanKang ; Deborah Smith / Granta Books
Pachinko Pachinko 2017 / by: Min Jin Lee / Grand Central Publishing
Beasts of a little land Beasts of a little land 2022 / [by] Juhea Kim / Oneworld
(The) blue hour : a novel (The) blue hour : a novel 2017 / Douglas Kennedy / Atria
Everything I don't remember Everything I don't remember 2017 / by Jonas Hassen Khemiri ; translated from Swedish by Rachel Willson-Broyles / Washington Square
I'll be right there I'll be right there 2013 / Kyung-sook Shin ; translated from the Korean by Sora Kim-Russell / Other Press
Dollars and sense : how we misthink money and how to spend smarter Dollars and sense : how we misthink money and how to spend smarter 2018 / Dan Ariely, Jeff Kreisler ; with illustrations by Matt Trower / Harper
Greek Lessons Greek Lessons 2023 / Han Kang; translated by Deborah Smith, Emily Yae Won / Hamish Hamilton
(The)Hobbit (The)Hobbit 2014 / by: J.R.R. Tolkien / HarperCollins
(The)Plotters (The)Plotters 2019 / Un-su Kim / 4th Estate
(The) making of zombie wars (The) making of zombie wars 2016 / Aleksandar Hemon / Picador

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

토지 : 박경리 대하소설. 20, 5부 5권 토지 : 박경리 대하소설. 20, 5부 5권 2013 / 박경리 지음 / 마로니에북스
난 엄마만 있으면 돼! 난 엄마만 있으면 돼! 2007 / 이규희 글, 강영수 그림, 이화여대 교육과학연구소 감수 / 두산동아
토지 : 박경리 대하소설. 1-21 토지 : 박경리 대하소설. 1-21 2009 / 박경리 지음 / 나남출판
불편한 편의점 . 1 : 김호연 장편소설 불편한 편의점 . 1 : 김호연 장편소설 2021 / 지음: 김호연 / 나무옆의자
토지. 16 토지. 16 1997 / 박경리 저 / 솔
(趙廷來 大河小說)아리랑 : 제4부. 12, 동트는 광야 (趙廷來 大河小說)아리랑 : 제4부. 12, 동트는 광야 2010 / 조정래 지음 / 해냄
두근두근 내 인생  : 김애란 장편소설 두근두근 내 인생 : 김애란 장편소설 2015 / 김애란 지음 / 창비
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土地 土地 2004 / 박경리 저 / 나남
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소드 엠페러. 1-17 소드 엠페러. 1-17 2002 / 김정률 / 북박스
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엄마를 부탁해 엄마를 부탁해 2015 / 지음: 신경숙 / 창비

주요 키워드


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