Chapter 1. Words and Sentences
Topic: Love
1. Components of English Sentences (영어 문장의 구성 요소)
2. Parts of Speech (품사)
Chapter 2. Verbs
Topic: Movies
1. Kinds of Verbs and Their Usages (동사의 종류와 용법)
2. Subject and Verb Agreement (주어와 동사의 일치)
Chapter 3. Tense
Topic: Marriage
1. Simple Tense (단순 시제)
2. Perfect (완료형)
3. Progressive (진행형)
Chapter 4. Auxiliary Verbs
Topic: Family
1. Characteristics of Auxiliary Verbs (조동사의 특징)
2. Modal Auxiliary Verbs (법조동사)
3. May/could/must/should + have + p.p.
Chapter 5. Subjunctive Mood
Topic: Coping with Loss
1. Subjunctive Past (가정법 과거)
2. Subjunctive Past Perfect (가정법 과거완료)
3. Other Expressions for Subjunctive Mood (가정법의 다른 표현)
Chapter 6. The Passive
Topic: Human Needs
1. Active and Passive (능동태와 수동태)
2. Passive Verb Forms (수동태 동사 형태)
3. Special Passive Structure (수동태 특수 구문)
Chapter 7. Review(Chapter 1 - 6)
Topic: Luck
Chapter 1. Words and Sentences
Chapter 2. Verbs
Chapter 3. Tense
Chapter 4. Auxiliary Verbs
Chapter 5. Subjunctive Mood
Chapter 6. The Passive
Chapter 8. Infinitives and Gerunds
Topic: Time & Regret
1. To-innitives (to부정사)
2. Gerunds (동명사)
3. V + to-innitives/~ing (동사 + to부정사/ ~ing)
Chapter 9. Participles
Topic: Hardships in Life
1. Usage of Participles (분사의 용법)
2. Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (-ing와 -ed로 끝나는 형용사)
3. Participle Construction (분사구문)
Chapter 10. Relatives
Topic: Friendship
1. Relative Pronouns (관계대명사)
2. Usage of Relative Pronouns (관계대명사 용법)
3. Relative Adverbs (관계부사)
Chapter 11. Comparative
Topic: Thankfulness
1. Comparison (비교)
2. Comparison of Equality (동등비교)
3. Superlatives (최상급)
Chapter 12. Conjunctions
Topic: Passion & Courage
1. Coordinate Conjunctions (등위접속사)
2. Subordinate Conjunctions - Noun Clauses (종속접속사 - 명사절)
3. Subordinate Conjunction - Adverbial Clauses (종속접속사 - 부사절)
Chapter 13. Review (Chapter 8 - 12)
Topic: Victory
Chapter 8. Infinitives and Gerunds
Chapter 9. Participles
Chapter 10. Relatives
Chapter 11. Comparatives
Chapter 12. Conjunctions