
  • Museums & galleries : displaying Korea's past and future

    발행연도 - 2011 / Korea Foundation / Seoul Selection
    • 도서관 송도국제도서관
    • 자료실 송도국제기구도서관
    • 부록 부록없음
    • 등록번호 SL0000005185
    • ISBN 9788991913868
    • 형태 129 p. 18 cm
    • 한국십진분류 예술 >
    • 카테고리분류 역사/문화 > 문화/문화사 > 한국문화

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

목차책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표


Chapter 1 National & Public Museums
National Museum of Korea
National Folk Museum of Korea
National Palace Museum of Korea
Seoul Museum of History
War Memorial of Korea

Chapter 2 Major Art Museums & Galleries
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
Seoul Museum of Art
Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art
Whanki Museum
Total Museum of Contemporary Art
Artsonje Museum, ArtSonje Center
Gallery Hyundai
Hakjojae Gallery
Gana Art Center
Kukje Gallery
PKM Gallery

Chapter 3 Specialized Museums
Traditional Culture: The Museum of Korean Embroidery
Gahoe Museum
Onggi Folk Museum
Specific Themes: World Jewellery Museum
Museum of Agriculture
Lock Museum
Seoul Museum of Chicken Arts
Owl Art & Craft Museum
Mokin Museum
Food: Pulmuone Kimchi Field Museum
Tteok Museum
History: Seodaemun Prison History Hall

Chapter 4 Regional Museums
Gyeongju National Museum
Gwangju National Museum
Jeonju National Museum
Buyeo National Museum
Daegu National Museum
Cheongju National Museum
Gimhae National Museum
Chuncheon National Museum
Jinju National Museum
Gongju National Museum
Jeju National Museum


Delving Deeper
History of Seoul
History of Modern Art in Korea
Galleries in Bukchon Area
Insa-dong Neighborhood
National Heritage
Gyeongju: Korea's Leading Historic Capital
Daedong Yeojido

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(The) book of the flower: flowers in art (The) book of the flower: flowers in art 2019 / Angus Hyland, Kendra Wilson / Laurence King
Heritage management in Korea and Japan : the politics of antiquity and identity Heritage management in Korea and Japan : the politics of antiquity and identity 2013 / Hyung Il Pai / University of Washington Press
Modern Korean Artists Modern Korean Artists 2009 / Korea Foundation / Korea Foundation
Printed in North Korea: the art of everyday life in the DPRK Printed in North Korea: the art of everyday life in the DPRK 2019 / Nicholas Bonner, Simon Cockerell, James Banfill / Phaidon
(The) Last Days of Roger Federer: And Other Endings (The) Last Days of Roger Federer: And Other Endings 2023 / by Geoff Dyer / Picador Paper
(The)Andy Warhol diaries (The)Andy Warhol diaries 2022 / edited by Pat Hackett / Twelve
Funny weather: art in an emergency Funny weather: art in an emergency 2021 / Olivia Laing / Picador
Museums & galleries  : displaying Korea's past and future Museums & galleries : displaying Korea's past and future 2011 / Korea Foundation / Seoul Selection
1920s Paris 1920s Paris 2024 / Rainer Metzger / Taschen
(The)Vatican : All thepaintings (The)Vatican : All thepaintings 2013 / Anja Grebe ; introduction by Ross King / Black Dog & Leventhal
Caveat Emptor : The Secret Life of an American Art Forger Caveat Emptor : The Secret Life of an American Art Forger 2012 / by Ken Perenyi / Pegasus Books
Modern and contmporary art in Korea. 1 Modern and contmporary art in Korea. 1 2010 / Youngna Kim / Hollym International Corporation
Traditional performing arts of Korea. 10 Traditional performing arts of Korea. 10 2008 / Jeon Kyung-wook / Hollym International Corporation
Confucian ritual music of Korea : Tribute to confucius and royal ancestors. 11 Confucian ritual music of Korea : Tribute to confucius and royal ancestors. 11 2008 / Song Hye-jin / Hollym International Corporation
Korean ceramis. 12 Korean ceramis. 12 2008 / Kang Kyung-sook / Hollym International Corporation

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

I'll be right there I'll be right there 2013 / Kyung-sook Shin ; translated from the Korean by Sora Kim-Russell / Other Press

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

미술품 컬렉터들  : 한국의 근대 수장가와 수집의 문화사 미술품 컬렉터들 : 한국의 근대 수장가와 수집의 문화사 2015 / 김상엽 지음 / 돌베개
오래된 물건과 속닥속닥  : 골동품이 내게로 와 명품이 되었다 오래된 물건과 속닥속닥 : 골동품이 내게로 와 명품이 되었다 2013 / 이정란 지음 ; 김연수 사진 / 에르디아
한국 선사·고대의 골각기 한국 선사·고대의 골각기 2014 / 한강문화재연구원 펴냄 / 서경문화사
오구라컬렉션 : 일본에 있는 우리문화재 오구라컬렉션 : 일본에 있는 우리문화재 2015 / 국외소재문화재재단 편 / 사회평론

주요 키워드


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