
  • (Why?) sports science

    발행연도 - 2013 / Author: Youngsun Jo ; Cartoonist: Youngho Lee / Yearimdang
    • 도서관 미추홀도서관
    • 자료실 [미추홀]어울림터
    • 부록 부록있음
    • 등록번호 KM0000331756
    • ISBN 9788930213578
    • 형태 158 p. 26 cm+
    • 한국십진분류 자연과학 >
    • 카테고리분류 의학/건강 > 의학 > 뇌과학

전체도서관 소장정보

소장정보 리스트입니다.
자료실 대출상태 반납예정일 청구기호 등록번호 자료예약 상호대차 책마중 정보출력

책소개책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

<Why?> 한국어판과 비교하며 함께 읽을 수 있도록 1:1 번역하였으며 미국 초등학교 과학교과서에 나오는 과학 용어를 최대한 활용하였다. 미국 초등 과학 교사 출신 감수자, 목진실 선생님의 꼼꼼한 감수가 돋보인다.

서가브라우징책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

(Why?)The Earth (Why?)The Earth 2012 / Author: Kwangwoong Lee ; Cartoonist: Hyejo Lee / Yearimdang
(Why?)Animals (Why?)Animals 2012 / by: Kwangwoong Lee ; Cartoonist: Grimsure ; Editorial Supervisor: Imsoon Choi / Yearimdang
(Why?)Animals (Why?)Animals 2012 / by: Kwangwoong Lee ; Cartoonist: Grimsure ; Editorial Supervisor: Imsoon Choi / Yearimdang
(Why?)The Environment (Why?)The Environment 2012 / by: Soonbong Heo ; Cartoonist: Gangho Kim ; Editorial Supervisor: Yul Choi / Yearimdang
(Why?)The Environment (Why?)The Environment 2012 / by: Soonbong Heo ; Cartoonist: Gangho Kim ; Editorial Supervisor: Yul Choi / Yearimdang
(Why?)dinosaurs (Why?)dinosaurs 2011 / Author: Hangsun Lee ; Cartoonist: Heoseoek Song / Yearimdang
(Why?)dinosaurs (Why?)dinosaurs 2011 / Author: Hangsun Lee ; Cartoonist: Heoseoek Song / Yearimdang
(Why?) sports science (Why?) sports science 2013 / Author: Youngsun Jo ; Cartoonist: Youngho Lee / Yearimdang
Why? food & nutrition Why? food & nutrition 2013 / author: Youngsun Jo ; cartoonist: Youngho Lee / Yearimdang(예림당)
You wouldn't want to live without sleep! You wouldn't want to live without sleep! 2015 / written by: Jim Pipe ; illustrated by: Mark Bergin ; series created by: David Salariya / Book House
You wouldn't want to live without bacteria! You wouldn't want to live without bacteria! 2015 / written by: Roger Canavan ; illustrated by: Mark Bergin ; series created by: David Salariya / Book House
You wouldn't want to live without pain! You wouldn't want to live without pain! 2015 / written by: Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by: David Antram ; series created by: David Salariya / Book House
You wouldn't want to live without money! You wouldn't want to live without money! 2015 / written by: Alex Woolf ; illustrated by: David Antram ; series created by: David Salariya / Book House
You wouldn't want to live without internet! You wouldn't want to live without internet! 2015 / written by: Anne Rooney ; illustrated by: Mark Bergin ; series created by: David Salariya / Book House
You wouldn't want to live without gravity! You wouldn't want to live without gravity! 2015 / written by: Anne Rooney ; illustrated by: Mark Bergin ; series created by: David Salariya / Book House

같이 빌린 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

Caps for sale Caps for sale 1968 / by Espyr Slobodkina / JYbooks
(Why?)dinosaurs (Why?)dinosaurs 2011 / Author: Hangsun Lee ; Cartoonist: Heoseoek Song / Yearimdang
(Why?)The human body (Why?)The human body 2012 / by: SoonBong Heo ; Cartoonist: HeoSeok Song / Yearimdang
(Why?)Plants (Why?)Plants 2012 / by: Kwangwoong Lee ; cartoonist: Byeongcheol Kim ; Editorial Supervisor: Taejeiong Kim / Yearimdang
(Why?)The Environment (Why?)The Environment 2012 / by: Soonbong Heo ; Cartoonist: Gangho Kim ; Editorial Supervisor: Yul Choi / Yearimdang
(Why?)The Earth (Why?)The Earth 2012 / Author: Kwangwoong Lee ; Cartoonist: Hyejo Lee / Yearimdang
Inspector hopper Inspector hopper 2000 / story and pictures by Doug Cushman / Harper Trophy
Platypus! Platypus! 2004 / by Ginjer L. Clarke ; illustrated by Paul Mirocha / Random House
Oh my, pumpkin pie! Oh my, pumpkin pie! 2005 / by Charles Ghigna ; illustrated by Kenneth Spengler / Random House
(The)teeny tiny woman (The)teeny tiny woman 2003 / retold by Jane O'Connor ; illustrated by R. W. Alley / Random House
Winnie's magic wand Winnie's magic wand 2006 / [text by]: Valerie Thomas, [illustrated by]: Korky Paul / Oxford University Press
Winnie flies again Winnie flies again 2006 / [text by]: Valerie Thomas, [illustrated by]: Korky Paul / Oxford University Press
Judy Moody. 2, Gets famous! Judy Moody. 2, Gets famous! 2010 / written by: Megan McDonald ; illustrated by: Peter H. Reynolds / Candlewick Books
Why? everyday science Why? everyday science 2013 / author: Papyrus ; cartoonist: Doowon Lee / Yearimdang(예림당)

같은 주제의 책책소개 펼치기/닫기 화살표

인체에서 살아남기. 1 인체에서 살아남기. 1 2010 / 글: 곰돌이 co.; 그림: 한현동 / 미래엔:
인체에서 살아남기. 2 인체에서 살아남기. 2 2010 / 글: 곰돌이 co.; 그림: 한현동 / 미래엔:
(What?)유전 (What?)유전 2014 / 글씀: 장혜미 ; 그림: 박재현 / What? School
인체대탐험: 머리부터 발끝까지 인체대탐험: 머리부터 발끝까지 2020 / 지음: 김원섭; 그림: 김윤재 / 그레이트북스
열려라, 뇌! : 신비한 머리 속 이야기 열려라, 뇌! : 신비한 머리 속 이야기 2011 / 임정은 글 ; 김은주 그림 / 창비
고수의 몸짱 비법 : 운동과 다이어트 고수의 몸짱 비법 : 운동과 다이어트 2017 / 백은영 글 ; 이창우 그림 / 아르볼
(생명의 마법사)유전자 (생명의 마법사)유전자 2012 / 지음: 이한음, 그림: 김분묘 / 웅진주니어
왜 아플까? 왜 아플까? 2010 / 권재원 지음 / 창비
(퀴즈!)과학상식. 11, 몸속 탐험 (퀴즈!)과학상식. 11, 몸속 탐험 2020 / 지음: 권찬호 / 글송이
빨간 내복의 초능력자: 시즌2. 1, 두뇌의 신비를 알아내다 빨간 내복의 초능력자: 시즌2. 1, 두뇌의 신비를 알아내다 2018 / 글: 서지원; 그림: 이진아 / 와이즈만Books:
인체미로 대탈출!. 3, 혈액의 순환 인체미로 대탈출!. 3, 혈액의 순환 2019 / 만화: 야마부키 쇼우마 ; 옮김: 박은미 / 삼호에듀
서바이벌 만화 과학상식. 9 : 동굴에서 살아남기 서바이벌 만화 과학상식. 9 : 동굴에서 살아남기 2005 / 코믹컴 글 ; 정준규 그림 / 아이세움
(Why?)the universe. 1 (Why?)the universe. 1 2012 / by: Kwangwoong Lee ; Cartoonist: Grimsure ; Edited by: Scott Lichtenstein ; David Vincent Kimel / Yearimdang
(Why?)Animals (Why?)Animals 2012 / by: Kwangwoong Lee ; Cartoonist: Grimsure ; Editorial Supervisor: Imsoon Choi / Yearimdang
(Why?)dinosaurs (Why?)dinosaurs 2011 / Author: Hangsun Lee ; Cartoonist: Heoseoek Song / Yearimdang

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