인디애나 대학과 토론토 대학과 여러 사설학원에서 에세이 라이팅과 영어를 지도한 김인섭의 <Essay Writing A to Z>. 이 책에서 저자는 오랜 기간 미국과 캐나다의 대학과 여러 사설기관에서 에세이 라이팅을 가르친 경험을 살려 다양한 자료를 통해 기본적인 글쓰기 규칙들을 설명하고, 그런 규칙을 실제 에세이에 어떻게 적용할 수 있는지를 체계적으로 안내한다.
1. The process of writing good essay
1.1 Study the topic closely
1.2 Narrow the topic General Strategies for Narrowing Topics
1.3 Decide what point(s) to make about the topic
1.4 Purpose of the essay
1.5 Collect ideas and put them in order
1.6 Organization of the essay
1.7 Common connectors (also called transitions)
1.8 Topic Sentences = Topic + Controlling Idea
1.9 Supporting details
1.10 Introduction : Start with an appealing and informative introduction
1.11 How to write introduction and body paragraphs?
1.12 An appealing and informative introduction by using different types of explanation
1.13 Good Thesis statement
1.14 Body: Develop ideas with specific examples and details
1.15 Conclusion
1.16 Guide readers with transitions
2. Sentence improvement
2.1 Incomplete sentences
2.2 Run-on sentences
2.3 Proper use of Semicolon, colon, Comma, Parenthesis, Dash, quotation marks, italics
2.4 Faulty coordination
2.5 Misplaced modifiers
2.6 Verb tense
2.7 Proper use of Pronoun person
2.8 Subject-verb agreement
2.9 Shifts in voice
2.10 Faulty comparisons
2.11 Wordiness
2.12 Parallel structure
3. Writing effective sentences
3.1 Add variety of clauses and phrases to your sentences
3.2 Vary the rhythm by alternating short and long sentences
3.3 Vary sentence openings
3.4 Logic Errors-the grammar is correct, but the idea is expressed illogically
3.5 Using Concrete Language
3.6 Avoid the verb “to be” in favor of a verb that communicates action
3.7 Avoid repetition
3.8 Use the shorter, simpler word
3.9 Use precise language
3.10 Various structures: simple, compound, complex sentences
4. Paragraph improvement
Tips for Paragraph improvement
4.1 Essay revision sample
4.2 Essay revision exercise
5. Sample essays
6. Holistic scoring
7. Essay practice test
8. Useful expressions for writing essays
9. Useful examples for essays
10. Useful phrases for writing
11. Useful quotations
12. 1000 Most commonly used words for writing essay
13. American Essential Idioms
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